t 5°8 3
G e n u s XIX.
N* i . Common C.
Var. A. Rufpus C.
5. Cape C.
a. Great fpotted C.
4. Society C.
t . Mindanao C.
6. Indian fpotted C.
7. Chinefe fpotted C.
8. Rufous fpotted C.
9. Panayan fpotted C.
10. Eaftern black C.
Var. A.
Var. B.
11. Crefted black C.
1 a. Coromandel crefted C.
13. PifanC.
14. Great Madagafcar C.
15. Madagafcar creftedC.
16. Egyptian C.
Var. A.
Var. B.
17. Long-heeled C.
18. Strait-heeled C.
1 9. Lark-heeled C.
20. Sacred C.
21. Panayan C.
22. Yellow-bellied C.
c U C K o W.
N” 2,3. Gilded C.
24. Shining C.
25. Paradife C.
26; Collared C.
27. Horned C.
28. Chinefe C.
29. Blue -C.
30. African C.
Var. A.
3 1 . Honey C.
32. Long-billed Rain C.
33. Rain C.
34. Mangrove C.
3£. Carolina C.
36. Brafilian crefted C.
37. Laughing C.
38. Spotted C.
39. Pun&ated C.
40. St. Domingo C.
41. Cayenne C.
Var. A.
Var. B.
42. Cayenne black C.
43. White-rumpedblackC.
44. Red-headed C.
45. Red-crefted C.
46. Touraco C.
BIRDS of the Cuckow genus have
The bill weak, and more or lefs bending.
Noftrils, bounded by a fmall rim.
Tongue, fhort, pointed.
Toes, two forward, two backward.
Tail cuneated, confifting of ten foft feathers *
Cuculus canorus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 168. N° 1.— Scop. ann. i. p. 44. N° 48.
Le Coucou, Brif. on. iv. p. 105. N° 1 .— Buf. oif. vi.fp. 305.— PI. ml. 811.
JCuckuk, Frifch. pi. 40. 41.— Kram. el. p. 337*
Cuculo, Olin. uc<el% p. 38.
Cuckow, Rail Syn. p. 23— Will. orn. p. 97. pi. 10. 77.— ^ / « . i. pi. 8.—
Br. Z00U i. N° 82. pi. 36.— Amer. Zool. N°
Br. Muf. Irtv. Muf. -
C IZ E of a Turtle : length fourteen inches: breadth twenty-five
^ inches. Bill black, two-thirds of an inch long, and a little
bent: irides yellow : head, hind part of the neck, wing coverts,
and rump, dove-colour; darker on the head, and paler on the
rump : throat and neck of a pale grey: breaft and belly white,
crofted elegantly with black undulated lines: vent buff, marked
with a few duflcy fpots : wings very long, reaching within an inch
and half o f the end of the ta il: the firft quill feather is three inches
fhorter than the others 5 they are all dulky, and their inner
webs are bar-red with large oval white fpots : the tail is cuneiform
; the two middle feathers are black, tipt with white; the
* Not throughout the whole ; for the thirtieth and thirty-firft have each of
them twelve feathers in the tail; apd in feveral fpecies the tail is even at the end.
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