44+ o r i o l e :.
fail rounded j above, dull olive, edged with olive green ; beneath,
olive green : legs and claws grey.
Inhabits St. Domingo, where it is called Siffleur.
Oriolus Capenfis, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 163. N° 18.
Le Carouge de Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. era. ii. p. 128; N° 30.—
PI. eat. 607. f. 2.
Le Carouge olive de la LouiEane, Buf. oif. iii. p. 251.-
Olive Oriole, Amir. Zool. N°
D escription. J ENGTH feven inches. Bill brown : colour o f the plumage
olive brown above, yellow beneath : upper part of the head
olive grey : throat and fore part o f the neck verging to orange-:
edge of the wing yellow: coverts brown, margined and tipped
with olive green : quills brown, edged with olive : tail of this laft
colour : legs and claws brown.
Place. Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
One of thefe, which came from the lame place, at Sir J . Banks’s,
had the forehead, cheeks, and all beneath, yellow: the upper
parts brown: wings and tail darker, edged with yellow»
Buffon fays, that he has received a bird o f this fort from Loui-
fiana, differing in having the throat black inftead o f orange, and
inclining to olive throughout.
3s -
Le Carouge bleu, Brif. ora. ii. p. 125. K <r28'.
Small blue Jay, Raii Syn. p. 195. N° 11, pi, 1. f. xr.
Description* IL L rufous: the whole plumage black, or alh-colour, except
the head, wings, and tail, which are blue.
Inhabits Madras, and called by the Gent00s, Peach Caye. Pi-ac».
Buffott will not have this ranked with the Orioles, as the lhape of Obeirvatiobs.
the bill is not mentioned; nor will the country it comes from,
according to his: opinion, admit of it, as he thinks that this genus
is wholly confined to South America. To balance this, however,
it is but right to give the opinion of Pallas, who, no doubt, has
obferved it minutely, when he fays it is a true Xanthornus, though
the fmalleft of its race *.
Fermin f mentions a bird not unlike this at Surinam. The
bill pointed, black, the length o f the finger: head and upper
parts blue, to the beginning of the back : tail black : wings the
fame; in the middle a long fpot of white parallel to their length:
reft of the body Iky blue : legs blueilh. He fays that it fuf-
pends the neft at the end of the branches of trees ■, and it is from
this circumffance that I have ventured to place it here.
Le Troupiale noir, Brif. era. ii. p; 103. N° 15. pi. 10. f. 1.— Buf. oif. iii. 37.
p. 320.— PI. eat. 534. BLACK
Br.Muf. ° -
SIZ* o f a Starling: the length more than nine inches. The M ale.
bill is one inch long, and black: the whole plumage black
and glofiy: legs black.
The female is o f a greenifh brown: the bill and legs juft as .Female.
in the male: but the head, breaft, and belly, inclining to afh-
• Contra Xanthornus verus eft, quamvis in fuo genere minutiffimus & folo
cyaneus, •vigejimus oflemus Brijpanii♦ Pallas Spies vi. p. 3. note (a)a
t Dtfcrip, de Surinam, vol. ii. p. 171,