6S4 N U T H A T C H ,
Da SltteUe grfveke, $uf. tif, v. p. 476,
Wall-creeper of Surinam, ithv.fUm. pi, 346.
D e s c r i p t io n , ^JpHE length is fix inches. Bill one inch, of a dufky brown,
and comprefled fideways: the head and upper parts of a dark
blueiflj lead-colour: all the wing coverts above tipped with white j
the inner ones dufky, edged with, white i the throat is white!
the breaft, and all the under parts of the body, blueifh afh-colbur,
and lighter than the upper parts: from the throat to the legs
marked with lines of white down the middle o f each feather, end»
P e a c e .
ing in points : legs dufky brown.
Inhabits Surinam,
D e s c r i p t io n .
^ y 'H E following is a beautiful fpeeies, and I believe the leafb
yet known j the total, length .being-no. more than three inches
and a half. The bill is a trifle bent, of a dufky brown colour 1
the under mandible the paleft: the head, and hind' part of the
neck, are rufous cheftnut-colour: the forehead is plain as far as
the middle of the crown j the reft marked with longitudinal black
ftreaks: the middle of the back appears white, which arifes from
the inner web o f each fcapular feather being of that colour:
the wing coverts are black, with white tips : the primary quills
plain blaek 5 fecondaries the fame, with white margins: under
parts of the body dirty white, with a cheftnut tinge : the belly
dirty white: tail black, even, all the feathers tipped with
white : legs black.
This fpecimen is in the collection of M iß Blomefield, and came
from Surinam,