having place with the latter; neither do I hear that it has a
tongue like that bird. It is found- mod: frequently in company
with the Climbing Grakle, and both appear to have the fame manners,
each fupporting itfelf with the tail feathers, on occalion.
Like the Woodpecker, feeds on the infefts lurking beneath the
bark of the trees, which it gets at by breaking up the bark with
its bill. Both this and the Climbing Grakle are called Woodpeckers
by the natives of Guiana.
f 4 SS T
G e n u s XV. G R A K L E .
N* i. Minor Gr.
Var. A. Greater D”.
2. Bald Gr.
j . Paradife Gr.
4. Fetid Gr.
5. Boat-tailed Gr.
N° 6. Purple Gr.
7. Crefted Gr.
8. Dial Gr.
9. Egyptian Gr.,
10V Long-billed Gr.
11. Climbing G».
BIL L convex, thick, comprefled a little on the fides, cultrated.
Noftrils fmall; near the bafe of the b ill; often near the edge.
Tongue entire, rather fharp at the end.
Toes, three forward; one backward ; the middle one conne&ed
at the bafe to the outmoft: claws hooked and lharp.
None of this genus are found in Europe.
Gracula religiofi, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 164. N° 1.
Le Mainate, Brif. am. ii. p. 305. N“ 4g. pi. 28. f. z.— Buf. oif. iii. p. 416.
pi. z j
Le Mainate des Indes Orientales, PI. enl. z68.
Corvus Javanenlis, Ojb. Voy.'i. p. 157.
Sturnus Indicus Bontii- Raii Syn. p. 68. N° 2.
Bontius's Indian Stare, Will' orn. p. ig6.
Minor from the Eaft Indies, Albin, ii. pi. 38.
LelTer Minor or Mino, Edmj.x. pi. 17.
Br. Mif. Lem. Muf.
SIZE of a Blackbird : length ten inches and a half. The bill is
almoft an inch and a, half long, of an orange-colour, with the
2 tip
-f- MINOR-