D escription.
D escription.
Le Guefpier jaune, Brif. orn. iv. p. 539. N* 3.
Le Guêpier à tête jaune & blanche, Buf. oif. vi. p. 490«.
Manucodîata fëcunda Aldrovandi, Raii Syn. p. 21. N° 2.
Aldrovandïis’s fécond Bird of Paradife, Will. orn. p. 9 1 .1 .11.
T H I S bird is a good deal bigger than the common Bee-eater f
it expands twenty inches. It is remarkable for the length of
the two middle tail feathers, and the proportionate Ihortnefs of its
bill, which is of a yellowilh green, two inches in length, and a
little bent : the tongue long and pointed, like that of a Woodpecker:
the head white, variegated with yellow and gold-colour t
the eyes yellow : eyelids red : the bread: reddilh : neck, belly,,
and under the wings, whitilh.: the back yellow : rump, tail, and
wings, very bright rufous : the two middle tail feathers are eight
inches * longer than the reft.
This is the defcription of Buffon, which pretty well agrees with
that of Willughby. Aldrovandus adds, that it was in the hands of
Seignor Cavalieri at Rome, who knew not from whence it came.
Le Guefpier du Brefil, B rif orn. iv. p. 540. N° 4.
Le Merops rouge & bleu, Buf. aif. vi. p. 479.
Pica Brafilienfis, Seba. i. pi. 66. f. 1. figure inaccurate*
T H I S is about the fize of the common Bee-eater: length nine-
inches. Bill one inch and a quarter, and yellow : the head,,
throat, and under parts of the body, are of a fplendid, glowing,
* Willughby fays, two palms, which is only fix inches.
' 1 0 j ruby
ruby red : the lefier wing coverts deep red : the reft of the wings,
and upper parts of the body, varied with brown and black: under
the wings yellow: quills and tail pale blue: legs and claws
Inhabits Brafil. Buffon obferves, that the bill in Seba appears
like that of the Promerops.
Le Guelpier de L’lile de France, Brif. orn, iv. p, 545. N® 6. pi. 44. f. 2.
— PI. enl. 252».
Le Guepier marron & bleu, B u f oif. vi. p. 493.
^ T 'H IS is a trifle bigger than the crefted Lark : in length ten
inches ten lines. Bill one inch feven lines long, and black :
the upper part of the head, neck, and fcapulars, are of an elegant
cheftnut: on each fide of the head is a brown ftripe ; which rifes
at the corners of the mouth, and extends towards the hind head,
palling under the eyes: throat, fore part of the neck, and breaft,
blue green : the lower part of the back, rump, belly, fides, thighs,
upper and under tail coverts, the' fame, but paler: upper wing
coverts green; beneath fulvous: moft of the quills are green,
with great part of the inner web fulvous; the four inner ones
wholly green ; thirteen of the middle ones have black tips ; all
of them grey brown beneath : tail blue above; beneath grey
brown ; all the feathers, except the two middle ones, are margined
with grey brown within. the two middle ones, exceed the
others in length two inches two lines, and end in a point; the
fhafts of all of them are brown above and whitilh beneath : the
kgs are reddi111 : claws blackilh.
Inhabits the IJle of France.
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D escription.
Vl iU-t 1
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