P tA C I . ,
D s s c r i ï t m k .
others are green alfo, hut fpotted on the inner web with whiter
the legs are flelh-colour: claws blackilh.
This is the delcnption of Briffon, who merely fays, that it is.
found in America.
The bird figured by Edwards appears to have only a fpot between
the eyes and bill, and not continued over the eyes. The
bill in his figure leems a little bent.
Thofe referred to in Buffon, feem likewife to vary a little j he
defcribes both fexes ; both of them have a half collar of orange at
the back part of the neck: the whole of the under parts of the
body bright orange,, except a fpot of white on the throat, and
another on the ftomach * : but the green band on the breaft is
wanting in the female, otherwife the above defcriwion might
ferve. - * ®
Buffon received thefe fmm Cayenne. .
Le Mardn-pefcheur bleu d’Amerique, Sri/, cm. iv. p. cor.
Le Martin-pêcheur à bec blanc, Su/, ci/, vii. p. 200.
Alcedo Américain, feuapiallra, Scba, u t. 53. f. L*
N* 16..
J JEN G TH four inches and three quarters. The bill more than
one inch and a quarter, and whitiih in colour: the head, and
hind part of the neck, purpliih cheftnut: back, fcapulars, rump,
and upper tail coverts, bright blue green : the leflfcr wing coverts
and the greater ones, which are neareft. the back, are the fame
butnita L i . ^ W“ e the bill andeye,,
eolour: thofe fartheft from the body, and the quills, greyilh alb :
the under parts of the body are pale yellow: the tail is blue above,
and cinereous beneath.
This is- copied from Scbci, who lays it inhabits America',
* * W i t h , T H R E E T O E S o n l y .
Alcedo tridaflyla, Lin. Mantijf, 1771, p. 524.
*........ ■■ "■■■■ ■■■> Pallas Spic. vu p. iq. t. 2. f. 1.
*"~ ""■■■ " ■> Vofmaer Amjl, 1768. t. 1.
Le Martin-pêcheur de L’Ifle de Luçon, Sou. Voy. p. 66. pl. 33*
Lev. Mu/.
O F this bird there appear two varieties, if not differing in fex.
The fize is much lefs than that of the common one : the
length is, about four inches t the one has the crown ferruginous,,
with a violet tinge: on the temples is an azure fpot,
and beneath' it a longitudinal white one : between, the Ihoulders
and the tips- of the wing feathers, azure : the cheeks,, and under
parts of the body, yellowilh white : the throat pure white : the
quills ferruginous black, j but ferruginous on the inner margin :
the tail is ferruginous.
The other bird is rufo-ferruginous above : the crown, rump,
and tips of fome of the back feathers, tinged with violet : the
breaft is more ferruginous, and the belly of a purer white than-
in the other : the azure Ipot on the temples alfo is wanting in this
bird : the bill in both is fquare,, and of a yellowilh white colour r
but the diftinguilhing charafter of the fpeciës, is having only
K. '
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