fpecimen in the Leverian Mufeutn .* this is thirteen inches in
In the place referred to above, we find a bird imperfedtly
defcribed by Mr. Fermin : he merely fays, that it is a large fpecies :
that it has a fine red creft on the head: the neck, breaft, and
belly, of a citron-colour: and the wings blueifh above. He only
adds, that it may be diftinguifhed from others by the ftrokes of
the bill, which it gives to the trees, and may be heard at a great
42. Le Pic mordore, B u f. oif. vii. p. 3.1.
FERRUGINOUS Picjaune tachete de Cayenne, PL enl. J24. the male.
Ferruginous Woodpecker, Amer. Zool. N°
Lev. Muf. the female.
DESMa" I0N* SIZE of the Sreen Woodpecker: length eleven inches. Bill
black i head crefted : the creft of a dark yellowiih cream-
colour : the upper parts of the body of a reddilh cinnamon-colour,
marked fparingly with yellowiih white fpots : on each fide of the
throat a large fpot of crimfon : the lower part of the back .yel-
lowilh afh-colour : the tail and legs black.
Buffon’s bird was of a brighter colour: he calls his colour, on
the upper parts, a bright, brilliant, gilded red*; and fays, that
the creft is yellow : the rump was likewife yellow in his bird.
My defcription is taken from one in the colleftion 0(C a p . Davies.
* " Un beau rouge v if, brillant & dor'e.” This is no doubt his mordoré colour ;
but in -all the fpecimens which I have feen, it has been more of a rujl-colour, or
! The female is faid to want the red on the fide of the jaw, which '
circumftance inclines me to think, that the fpecimen alluded to,
in the Leverian Mufeum, was of this fex. The bill in this was
pale, being black only at the bafe: creft buff-colour: rump,
lower part of the belly, tides, and thighs,- dirty yellow : vent
pale ruft-colour: infide of the quills marked with both dark and
pale fpots : quills and tail dutky : the reft of the plumage as in
the male.
F emale.
Thefe inhabit Cayenne, Guiana *, and other parts of America. P laces.
Le Pic a cravate noire, B u f. oif. vii. p. 35.
Pic a cravate noire de Cayenne, PI. enl. 863.
4 3 -
g I Z E of the laft. The bill is pale : head, throat, and hind part
of the neck, orange yellow : the lower part of the laft behind,
and the fore part of the neck and breaft, are black : the head is
crefted : back and wings bright rufous ; on the laft are here and
D escription.
there fome fpots of black; as alfo on the tail, the end of which is
black: the quills are marked with black: the belly and vent
are of a pale ferruginous buff: and the legs lead-colour. Buffett
fays, the tail in the PI. enl. is made too fhort.
This fpecies inhabits Cayenne and Guiana-, the natives of. the
laft call it Foucoumari. The three laft are much allied to each
other; and our author fuppofes them the fame which are found
at St. Domingo, fince P . Charlevoix fays, that on looking out for
P laces.
Saler ne mentions it as a bird o f Guiana, orn. p . 109. N° 11.
4 g proper