D escription.
P lace and
M anners.
Le petit Coucou noie de Cayenne, B u f o if vi. p. 417.—Pi. enl. 505-
T ENGTH eight inches and a quarter. Bill above an inch,
and dulky. This bird is'wholly black, except the lower part
of the back and rump, the belly, thighs, and vent, all of which are
white I on the belly the white is feparated from the black by a
kind of orange band : tail fcarcely three inches long, cuneated,
and exceeds the length of the wings but very little : the legs are
This too inhabits Cayenne.. In manners it imitates the laft, as
well as the places it is found in. It paffes the day perched on a
folitary branch of a tree, in an open fpot, without any motion,
except what is merely neceffary in collefting the infects on which
it feeds. It builds in the hole of a tree, and fometimes in a hole
in the ground, if it finds one already made.
RED-HEADED Red-headed Cuckow, Ind. Zool. t. 6.
D escription. T EN GTH fixteen inches : weight four ounces. Bill much
arched, ftrong, and of a greenilh yellow colour: crown and
part of the cheeks bright crimfon, entirely furrounded by a band
of white: hind part of the head and neck black, marked with
Email fpots of white: fore part of the neck entirely black : back
and wings black : tail very long, unequal, the lower part black;
ends white: breaft and belly white : legs-.pale blue.
Inhabits Ceylon-, where it is called P l ac e. Malkoha. Lives on fruits.
‘Cuculus Brafilienfis, Lin. SyJ}. i. p. 1,71. N° 18.
l e Coucou rouge hupe du Brefil. Brif. orn. iv. p. 154. N° z j.
Le Couroucoucou, B u f oif. vi. p. Z98.
Cuculus Brafilienfis, venuftiff. piftus, Seba. vol. i . io z . t. 66. f. z.
HIS is fomewhat lefs than the former : length ten inches.
Bill a little bent; half an inch long, and of a light red
colour : the head is of a pale red, and adorned with a creft of a
deeper red, variegated with black : parts above deep red; beneath
pale red; with a tinge of yellow on the belly : upper wing
coverts pale red, mixed with yellow: quills and tail yellow, with
a lhade of black.
Buffon remarks, that in Seba's figure, the toes are difpofed threfe
and one; but, as the name of Cuckow is given it, they Ihould
have been placed two and two.
Cuculus Perfa, Lin. Syjl. 171. N° 17.
Le Coucou verd hupé de Guinée, Brif. orn. iv. 152. N° 24.
Le Touraco, Buf. oif. vi. 300. t. 15.
Le Touraco de Guinée, PI. enl. 601.
Crown Bird from Mexico, Albin, ii. t. 1 g.
Touraco, Eduv. i. t. .7.
n p H I S bird is about the fize of a Magpie. The bill Ihortiih ;
the upper mandible bent; colour reddilh brown: noftrils
covered by feathers: irides hazel brown : eyelids furrounded with
red caruncles : the head, throat, neck, upper part of the back,
-breaft, part of the belly, and the fides, are covered with fofit
4 A filky
4 5 -
D escription.
D escription*