53® c u e k 0 w.
fecondaries are blackilh, edged with rufous : the tail is blackilh,
and cuneiform: legs afh-colour.
Inhabits the coaft of Coromandel.
c .
Guculus cornutus, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 171. N° 21.
Le Coucou cornu du Brelil, Brif. orn-. iv. p. 145. N° 20.
L ’Atingacu du Brefil, B u f oif. iv. p. 409.
Atinga guacu mucu, Will. orn. 198. t. 38.— Rail Syn. 163. N° 2.
D escription« jgIZE of a Thrulh : total length twelve inches. The bill a
little bent at the end, of a greenilh yellow: irides fangui-
neous the head, and all the parts above, are the colour of foot:
on the head the feathers are long, forming a double creft, refem-
bling horns, which it can eredt at will: parts beneath cinereous :
quills and tail foot-colour; the laft darkeft, nine inches in length,
and tipped with white; the two middle feathers longeft; the
outer ones- very Ihort: legs and claws afh-colour, covered before
with feathers half way.
Place. Inhabits Brajil.
Willughby ranks it with the Thrufhes,, and fays, the toes are
difpofed after the ufual manner; yet in the figure they are placed
two and two: therefore Briffon, and- others after him, more properly
place it with the Cuckow..
Cuculus Sinenfis, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 171. N° 16.
Le Coucou bleu de la Chine, Brif. orn. iv. p. 157. N° 27, t. 14. A. fig. 2.'
San-hia de la Chine, Buf. oif. vi. p. 389.
D escription. CjIZE of a Blackbird : length thirteen inches. Bill eleven inches
— long, red; the upper mandible befet with briftles, turned
forwards : irides red : the top of the head is white, marked with
final 1
C U C K O \Y.
Tmall blue fpots: the reft of the head, and the throat, are
blackilh : on each fide of the head, behind the eye, is a round
white fpot: hind part of the neck, back, fcapulars,-and upper
tail coverts, fine blue: greater wing coverts, fartheft from the
body, white : rump very pale blue: upper tail coverts of the
fame colour as the back, with a white fpot near the end : parts
beneath fnow white: quills half pale and half deep blue: tail
«feathers deep blue, with a roundifh white fpot near the end of
■ each j the two middle feathers exceed the next in length, by three
inches and a quarter; the two outer ones only one inch and
three quarters long : legs and claws red.
Inhabits China. _ Plf4« .
. Neither hitmans, Briffon, nor Buff on appear-to have feen this
-bird, but are indebted to the pencil of M. Poivre for it.
Scopoli obferves, that it is apt to -vary in colour; and that it has
a notch at the-end of the upper mandible, as in the Shrike.
Klein, fays, it is a native o f Guinea, in the more northern
parts, as well as thofe bordering on the Cape of Good Hope.
That in PI. enl. is white round the eye, and has a ftreak behind
-It; creft tipped white, and half ereft : only the middle quills red:
-thighs and vent black : legs black.
Cuculus caeruleus, Lin.Syfi. i. p. 17;. N" 15.,
Le Coucou bleu de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. iv. p. ic6. N° 26. pi. is f i j .
PI. in i. 2(j^. f. 2. BLUls
Le Tait-fou, B u f oif. vi. p, 171, pi. jg t
S I Z E of our Cuckow: length feventeen inches. The bill an
inch and a quarter long, and black : the plumage is wholly ■D£SCRn"ri0IT>
* A*vt p. 315.
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