part of the neck orange red: from each eye, towards the back,
extends a purple line, terminating in a white fpot; and on the
inner fide of that, one of black : chin white: upper part, o f the
back a rich blue; the lower, light purple; wing coverts black,
edged with blue: primaries black; bread: and belly yellowilh
white: back orange: legs red.
P u c t . Inhabits India, and feems to be a variety of the laft defcribed :
it likewife bears fome refemblance to the purple Kingsfijher, or next
r $ .
D r sc R im our,.
‘Le Martln-pecheur pourpre, Suf. oif. vii. p. 199.
- ■ ------------ dc Pondichery, PI. ini. 778. f. 2.
* 'HIS moll beautiful fpecies is about the fize of the laft. The
bill red: the head, the rump, and the tail, are of a golden rufous
colour, with a tinge of blue and purple: back and wing coverts
of a rich blue black: quills black : behind the eye is a ftreak of
light purple, which finilhes at the back part with a bright blue:
■ the throat is white : the under parts of the body of a gilded rufous
white ; the legs red.
Inhabits the Eajl Indies. The fpecimen, from whence this, de-
fcription was taken, came from Pondicherry.
Alcedo Madagafcarienfis, Lin. Syf. i. p. 179. N° 5.
Le Martin-pêcheur de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. iv. p. 508. N° 18. pi. 38. f. 1.
- ...........................— -------------, PI. enl. 778. f. I.
Le Martin-pêcheur roux, B uf . oif. vii. p. 199.
Di-scRimoK. JT ENGTH five inches and a quarter. Bill lixteen lines long,
■ and red : the plumage on the upper parts of the body rufous :
K I 1S T G S F I S H E R . 63 I
throat and fore part of the neck white : the reft of the under
parts rufous white : the quills are blackifh ; the tail the fame ;
but the two middle feathers,, and the outer edges of the reft, are
rufous : the legs and claws are red.
Inhabits Madagafcar. Place.
Le Martin-pêcheur à tête blue, Buf. oif. vif- p, 19&.
Le petit Martin-pêcheur du Senegal* PI. enl. 356. leaßf gurr.
* I 'HIS is only four inches in length. The bill thirteen lines
long, and red : the crown o f the head bright blue, waved
with a lighter blue, inclining to green : the back o f an ultramarine
blue : the wings the fame, except the quills, which are
blackifh : the throat is white, and the reft of the under parts of
the body fine rufous : the legs red.
+- BLUE-
This inhabits Madagafcar. One o f thefè, in my pofieffion,
had a tuft of white on each fide of the neck, near the wing.
Le Martin-pefcheur de Bengale, Brif. orn. iv. p.475. N° z*
»......... .......................... Buf. oif. vii. p. 201.
Little Indian KingfilTier, Ed-w. i. pi. 11. hiver figure.
^ I TIIS is only four inches and a half in length. The bill frxteen
lines, and black, but flefh-eoloured at the bafb of the lower
mandible : the upper parts o f the body are blue green : the head
tranfverfely ftriped with deep blue : through the eyes paffes a
ftreak of rufous, towards the neck, on each fide: the throat is
white : the under parts of the body rufous : the upper wing coverts