F ema l e .
green, which grows broader on the fore part of the neck: on the*
breaft is a black fpot: the fides of the throat: are rufous, mixed’
with white; and the belly pure white: the tail beneath has the
lame violet, white, and polilhed-brown fpots as in the laft Ipecies,
which caufed Buffon to fuppofe it allied to that bird, or at lead
a variety.
He mentions alfd another, in the cabinet' of M. Mauduit, of
the fame fize, having the upper parts light green and gold on a
blackilh grey ground, and all the fore parts of the body rufous,,
which appeared to him-as a female of the above defcribed.
35 :
H. B.
Le Colibri violet de Cayenne, Brif. orn. iii. p, 683, N° 1 1. t. 35; f. 33
Le Colibri violet, Buf. oif. vi. p. 57.
Colibri violet de Cayenne, VI. enl. 600. 2.
D e s c r i p t io n . '" T H E length of this bird is four inches and a quarter. The
-*• bill almoft one inch, black,, and not quite fo much curved
as in the laft : the whole head, the neck, back, breaft, and belly,,
of a violet purple, very glofiy on the throat and breaft, but elfe-
where verging to velvety black: the wings gold green: tail the--
fame, .with a changeable glofs of black : legs black..
P l a c e . . Inhabits Cayenne
H. B.
D e s c r i p t io n .
Le Hauffe col- vert, Buf. «/,.vi. p. 5S.
r -pH IS is rather bigger than the violet-tailed Humming-hird\ .
■“ but the bill is much the fame.. The fore part and' fides of:
the neck, and lower part o f the throaty are of an emerald greens;
D E S C R I P T IO N .
elie chin, juft under the bill, bronzed : the breaft is velvet black,
with an obfcure tinge of blue: the upper parts of the body and
fides are green gold : the belly white : the tail is purplifh blue,
with a fteely brown glofs, and does not reach beyond the ends of
the wings when clofed.
The female, or at lead one fuppofed to be fo, had the fame F ema l i .-
dlftribution of colours with the above, except that the green on
the fore part of the neck was divided by two white dallies, and
the black on the breaft neither fo broad, nor of fo dark a colour.
Both thefe are in the cabinet of Dr. Mauduit,&i Paris.
Trochilus leucurus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 150. N° 6.
Le Colibri de Surinam, Brif. orn. iii. p. 674. N° 3.
Le Collier rouge, Buf. oif. vi. p. 59.
Le Colibri a collier de Surinam, PI. enl. 600. f. 4.
White-tailed Humming-bird, Edou. glean. ' i. 256.
I ,ENGTH four inches and a half. Bill thirteen lines long,
curved, black, lighted at the bale: the plumage on the
upper parts of the body green gold, with a copper glofs; beneath
greyilh white: on the breaft is a crefcent of red: wings dark
purple on both lides: the two middle tail feathers are the fame
colour as the upper- parts, and the eight others white : the legs
are black.
It is found at Surinam. Linnaeus obferves, that the two outer
tail feathers are black-at the--tips.-
H. B.