C R E E P E E.
D escription.
with the common Creeper; but frequents ruined edifices, old
walls, and the like, feeding on infefts, but particularly fpiders.
Scopoli fays, that it migrates fingly towards the end of autumn.
Its flight is vague and uncertain; and it climbs by leaps. It is.probably
not found in Sweden nor Germany, as neither Klein nor Frifcb
have mentioned i t ; nor has Linnaus ranked it with the birds of
his country. Kramer fays, that it is known to build in human
Jkulls, in church yards; but furely this happened rather by acci-r
dent than choice.
I have only feen one fpecimen of this bird, which is in the collection
of M. Tunftal, and feemed to be larger than a
Lev. Muf.
J^ EN G TH fix inches. Bill an inch long, moderately bent, and
dulky brown; in the middle a pale orange fpot: the plumage
on the upper parts of the body brown : fides of the neck
the fame, edged with white: throat and breaft barred brown and
white : belly very pale brown : tail at leaft two inches and a half
long, even at the end, and of a brown colour: quills brown, with
pale edges: legs black: claws the fame, long, and hooked.
Plac e. Said to inhabit lome part in the South Seas, but where uncertain.
D escription.
Lev. Muf,
J ^ENGTII feven inches and three quarters. Bill an Inch long,
and a little bent: the tongue longer than the bill, divided
for half its length into four fegments, like threads : at the bafe of
the under mandible, juft behind the gape, is a kind of membrane
like a fmall wattle, of a yellowiili colour, and about one-fixth of
an inch in diameter ; this is furrounded by a patch o f yellow feathers,
which extends under the eye : - the irides are cinereous : the
plumage is brownifh olive green; the middle.of the back darkeft:
the belly verging to alh-colour: the chin and throat are of a
rufty orange-colour: the bread: ferruginous: legs blue black:
claws black.
One of thefe had no orangercolour under the throat; and all
the under parts of the body were of an olive yellow: the tail was
even at the end, and the edges of it and the quills olive yellow.
Inhabits Tonga Tabu., or Amjlerdam IJle, in the South Seas.
Lev. Muf.
C IZE of our Creeper. Bill the length of the head, curved from
the middle to the point, but in a fmalk degree; the bafe
whitifb, the reft black : the tongue is long, extenfile, and ciliated
for half its length : between the bill and eye a ftreak of black,
which juft encircles the eyelids all round :. irides of a reddifh
cheftnut: head, neck, and break,-crimfon down the middle of
the back a ftripe of the fame colour to the rump : the reft of the
body black : wings and tail black; the laft even at the end ; the
wings reach about to the middle of it when clofed :.the legs are
lead-coloured : claws black.
Inhabits the cultivated parts of the ifland of TanHa, and is there
called Kuyameta. It lives by fucking the nelilar of flowers, and is
not uncommon.
Pl . x x x i i l
F ig , 2.
D escrip t ion,