X,e petit Eic de Cayenne«, Brij. orn. iv,. p, 83. N° 32*
Le tres petit Pic de Cayenne, Buf. oif. vii. p. '37,
Petit Pic de Cayenne, PL enl. 786. 1.
—1 Ferm, Defer. de Surin. vól. ii. p. 1-70.
Lev. Myfy
g I Z E of a Wren : in length three inches and a half. The bill
is black : top of the head red : the hind head black, dotted
with white: fides of the head brown, dotted with white alfo: the
upper parts of the body are dirty greyilh rufous : the under parts
are greyilh white; the feathers bordered with brown: quills and
tail brown, with paler edges: legs brown.
Brijfon fays, the four middle tail feathers are brown ; the next on
each fide the fame- on the outfide, but rufous white on the inner
web, margined with brown ; and the two outer ones half brown,
half rufous white, tipped with brown.
Fermin tells us, that the head and hind part of the neck are
of a cinnabar colour, the tail black,, and the feathers which
cover the wings fprinkled towards the end with yellowilh
Thefe different accounts incline one to think, that they mult
have been deferibed from oppofite fexes.
Inhabits Cayenne.
View auratus, tin . SjJl'. i. p. 174. "N® 9-
—-------— -----Phil. Trmf. veil, Ixiii p. 387.
Le Pic rayé de Canada,. Brif. on. iv. p, 72. N° .28,
-------- ------- ------ ----- PI. enl. 693.
Le Piq aux ailes dorées, Buf. oif. vii. p. 39.
Gold-winged Woodpecker, CateJB.Car. i. pi. ï8.
- ____ Kahn's’tram. ii. p. 85.—Amer. Zoo/. N®
Br. Mitf. Lev. Muf.
THIS is a trifle lefs than our green Woodpecker : in length it
is eleven inches : weight five ounces. The bill is an inch and
a half in length, black, and fomewhat bent; and, contrary to
others of die genus, is rounding, and not fquare ; ridged only on
the top,, and the point is lharp : the upper parts o f the head and
neck are alh-coloured : hind head red : fides of the head, throat,
and fore part of the neck, pale yellow : on each fide of the head
js a ftripe of black, from the bafe of the lower jaw to the neck :
back, fcapujars, and wing coverts, grey brown, tranfverfely ftri-
ated with black lines : rump whitilh : breaft, belly, and »fides,,
whitilh yellow, each feather marked with a round black fpot at
the tip : on the middle of the breaft is a large crefcent of black :
the thighs, and upper and under tail coverts, black and white
mixed : quills brown, with yellow lhafts fpotted with browq
on the outer edge :. tail, blackilh, outwardly edged with grey ; the
outer feather is dotted with whitilh on the margins ; the lhafts of
all but the two middle feathers are yellow half way from the bafe :.
legs and claws brown.
The female differs in having the crown and neck behind grey
brown : the hind head of a lefs vivid red :- and the greater quills
g not
F E M AIL 3?*-