changing to white at the vent: the upper tail coverts yellowilh :
legs dufky.
Edwards fuppofes this the female.
Briffon fays, that only the-two outer'tail‘feathers haVe white
Pi.aces and Thefe birds, at leaft varieties of them, are found at Martinice,
V arieties . Cayenne, St. Domingo, and other parts. That of Cayenne has'the
head blackifh, with two ftripes of white over the eye: the throat
of a light-cinereous grey: back and upper wingcoverts the fame,
but deeper: quills and tail the fame, bordered with cinereous:
fore part of the wings edged with‘pale yellow: rump yellowy as
are-the under parts of the body, but mixed with grey on the
belly : legs blueilh.
This was defcribed to Buff on as a male, but he1 thinks it has
much affinity with that- mentioned by Sl'oane-, who fays, that his
bird had a fhort fong, but very agreeable; Buffoon’s bird had
only a weak cry, Z i, zi, like a Humming-bird. He likewife mentions
another from St. Domingo, which had- the-bill and tail rather
Ihorter, white eye-brows, and a fort of grey patch on the throat:
larger than that of Sloane's female-, but in other matters perfedlly
refembled it.
Manners. Thefe birds feed on the fweet vifcous juice which is found in
the fugar-cane, but it is not certain that they draw their- whole
nourifhment from this plant, perhaps others- containing fweet
juices mayiferve them-in turn. They infinuate their ‘bill into
any crevice or crack o f th‘e ftalk,‘ and draw out the juice, as has
been obferved. It may not be amifs to fuppofe that they likewife
feed on infebis, as the reftfof the Creeper family are known to
do, though obfervation has not yet confirmed it.
Certhia Bahamenfis, Lin. tyjt. i. p. 187.-N° it. g.
Te-Grimpereau-de-Bahama, ~liri/. cyti. iii.. p. t)io. tv'- S.
r Bahama Titmoufe, Cate/. Car. i. ,pl. jp.
T H I S is | trifle bigger than, our Creeper: length four. inches
eight lines. Bill half an inch, and black : on the upper
parts of the body the plumage is brown, beneath yellow: the
ridge of the wing is alfo yellow: the throat is paler than the reft
of the plumage: and the lower part of the belly, vent, and
under tail coverts, are brown: over the eye, on each fide, to the
hind head, is a ftripe of white: wings and tail brown, the edges
of the feathers of the laft are dirty white: legs and claws
Inhabits the Bahama IJles. Linnaus fee ms to think this bird a
mere variety o f the laft mentioned.
* Lev. Mu/.
L E N G T H five inches. Bill dufky, not very hooked, though
bent, three quarters o f an inch long: the body in general
crimfon, the upper parts deepeft : quills black : the fecondaries
margined with cheftnut.: belly dufky: vent white: the tail
black s all the feathers -rather pointed at the end, the fhafts
white: legs black.
Inhabits the Sandwich IJlands.
S B 2
V ar. B.
D escription.
D escription.