780 H U M M I N G - B I R D .
F emale.
the ends ; the two middle feathers fhorteft : legs and claws
black iih.
The female has only a dafh of the golden or topaz, on the
break: and fore part of the neck; and the reft of the under part*
are greyilh white.
P lace». This fpecies inhabits BraJiT. They have likewife been received
from Curaçao, where they are not fcarce : and are alfo found at
Guiana ancLSurinam.
4- RÜBY-
K. B.
Trochilus elatus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 192. N* 19.
L’Oifeau-mouche à gorge topaze d’Amerique, Brif. err., iii-, p. 607, N ’J 2-,
I.’Oifcau-inCL;cl'.c à gorge topaze de Cayenne, PI. enl. 640. f. 1,
Ruby-crefted Humming-bird, Edna, glean, t, 344.
L e v .. Mm/..
. P'CICLIFTI.OW. J fp T V A R D S deferibes this in the following manner :_The bilk
is black : the head crefted, o f a flame-colour, with theluftre
of a ruby : the throat like burnilhed gold, gloffed with emerald ::
body, and wing coverts, dull brownifh olive : quills purplifh :
tail cinnamon-colour tipped with black-..lower belly,.and under
tail coverts, cinnamon.: acrofs the middle of the belly is. a white
line : and the bright fpot on. the throat divided from the neck:
and break: by a dufky line : legs black.
Plac. is an a
Said to be natives of Guiana and Terra-firms.— I have alfo. received
fpecimens both from Cayenne and Tobago. This bird
fèems to be akin to the laft,.as that \n.Edwards's plate, .and in the-
Blanches enluminées are very fimilar;. except that in the laft, the
creft fcarcely Hands up from the head ; it is therefore probable
that it may have been a bird not yet come to its full degree of
perfection, or perhaps differing from.climate..
T h e re .
There is no doubt but the bird in Briffon, above quoted, is rebated
to this, being no difference, except in the body of his being
green ; whereas in the others above defcribed, it is more or lefs
inclined to brown.
8 ■, £ 4».
J^ ENG TH four inches. Bill three quarters; colour dufky; the Descr'jpt,ox
under mandible yellow, except at the tip : head, neck, back SCRJPT,0K'
as far as the middle, and beneath as far as the belly, glofly green;
lower part of the back,, rump, and wing coverts, green gloffed
with copper: acrofs the lower part of the belly a white bar:.,
thighs : white: vent and under tail.coverts very pale brown:
quills and tail blue black; the laft fomewhat forked: legs black.
I received this, from ’Tobago.
Small green and crimfon Humming-bird, Saner. Guinn, p. 168. GUIANA
H. B. I
J^ENGTH little more than two inches. The bill is black, De!CUptiob
long, and (lender: the featherson the neck, back, and upper
edges of the wings, have a beautiful’pea-green colour : the top of
the head is crefted with a fmall tuft of a variable crimfon colour:
the feathers of the break are likewife crimfon : and the long feathers
on the wings- and tail are green, crimfon, and dark purple:
t-he head is fmall, with little, round, black, fhiningeyes.
This is Mr. Bancroft’s defeription; who adds, that it is the moll
frequent of all. the Humming-birds in Guiana, and feems peculiar
to it..