766 H U M M I N G - B I R D .
quills violet brown : the tail is a little forked; the two middle
feathers are of the fame colour as the back; the others white *,
margined on the lower half on the outfide, and tipped with
black : legs and claws black.
Inhabits Surinam. Edwards fays, that the whole of the plumage
in the fun, feems as if mixed with threads of gold.
In my fpecimen the bill is a trifle curved at the tip, and fharper
at the point than is ufual in this genus.
Trochilus ouriflia, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 191. N° 13 ?
Oifeau-mouche a poitrine bleue de Surinam, Brif.orn. iii. p. 711. Na 10. ,
L’Emeraude— amethifte, Buf. oif. vi. p. 27.
Oifeau-mouche a poitrine bleue de Surinam, PI. enl. 227. f. 3.
Green and blue Humming-bird, Ed-w. i. t. 35. f. 2.
D escription, T ENGTH not quite four inches. Bill ten lines and a half long,
and black: head, throat, neck, lower part o f the back, rump,
fcapulars, and upper tail and lefler wing coverts, green gold,
glofied with copper: upper part of the back blue : breaft, upper
part of the belly, and fides, the fame, with a bright gold caft:
lower part of the belly and fides, thighs, and under tail coverts,
dull brown: greater wing coverts, quills, and tail, brown; the
two middle feathers of the.laft not fo long as the others; legs and
P lace and
claws black.
Inhabits. Surinam. Edwards thinks it not unlikely, that this
may be the other fex of the laft mentioned, but neither Eimaus,
Brijfon, nor Buffon join him in that opinion: I cannot fee what
led him to think it," except the circumftance of the middle tail
feathers being lhorter than the reft in both birds.
* In my fpecimen the tail feathers are twelve in number; the two middle
•ones green, the reft white, as above mentioned. T _^T_ „ 7T
I ,ENGTH three inches and three quarters. Bill three quarters
of an inch, ftrait, dufky; the bafe of the under mandible
white : the head, neck, and upper parts of the body, are green:
on the chin a fpot of pale orange: breaft and belly blue: the
quills and .tail dulky legs black.
From the collection of the Dut chefs of Portland. It feems to be
a; variety of the former.
Le grand Oifeau-mouche de Cayenne, Eri/. orn. iii. p. 72a. N° 15.
t. 37. f. 3.
L’Oifeau-mouche a oreilles, Euf. oif. vi. p. 32.
Br. Muf..
JQRISSON defcribes this fpecies in the following manner :_the
length four inches feven lines : that of thé bill eleven lines ;.
colour black : all the upper parts of the head, neck,, and body, are
green gold; beneath white : on each fide of the head is a band
of black, beginning at the bafe of the bill, paffing under the
eyes, and finilhing behind them: behind this band, beneath the
ears, is a very fplendid violet fpot: the thighs are brown: four
of the middle tail feathers are black, inclining to deep blue, the
others white : legs feathered to the toes; colour of them blackifh :-
the violet fpot behind, the ears is compofed of two tufts of feathers
; which are above double the length of the others, being
more foft and downy, and the webs very loofe ;■ thefe are each
compofed of five or, fix feathers, and are of an amethyftine-blue