A friend of mine defcribed a bird to me, which he faw at a»,
houfe of an acquaintance, which feemed to be this very bird. By-
accident having got a. bit of fewing filk, it wove it among the-
wires o f the cage; an which, more being putto it, it interlaced the-
whole very confufedly, fo as to hinder moft part of that fide of the
«age from being feen through. It was found, to. prefer green, and
yellow to any other coloured filk..
Oriolus Bonana, Lin. Sjfi. i. p. jga., N® 12..
Le Carouge, Brif. orn. ii. p. 115. N° 22. pi. 12» f. 2.— Buf. oif. iii,
p. 243.— PL enl. 333. f. 1.
Xochitototl altera, Rail Syn. p. 167. N ° ia f-
Bonana Bird, Brown, Jam,, p. 477«
Lev, MuJ,.
J ENGTH feven inches: Bill ten lines long, and black; bafe
of the lower mandible grey : the head, neck; and breaft,
eheftnut: upper part of the back velvet black; lower part,
rump, belly, thigh's, and under the wings, a deep orange red:
vent the fame, tipped with eheftnut: greater wing coverts, quills,,
and tail, black: legs and claws grey.
The female differs in being l'efs bright.
1 hefe birds are found- in Martinico, Jamaica, and’ other Weft
India ijlands. It builds a neft of a curious conftruftion, made of fibres
and leaves, exadfly in the ftiape of the fourth part of a globe,,
fewed with great art under a leaf of a banana plant) in fuch a mam
ner, that the leaf makes one fide to the neft..
ISerus minor nidum fufpendens, Watchy Picket, Spanifh Nightingale,
American Hang-neft, Rail Syn. p. 184,— Sloan. Jam. p, 300. Nc 17.
I>1. 23 8. f. ?:
\ y i T H juft reafon it may be doubted' whether the Watchy
Picket of Sloane be the fame bird as the laft, though Brijfon
Has joined it to his lynonyms; l have therefore thought right
to leparate them, giving' Sloane's own defeription.
The bill, he fays, is white, furrounded by a black line: crown
of the head, neck, back, and tail, reddilh brown: wings deeper,
intermixed with white, and a black line on the middle of the
neck; the fides of which, the breaft, and belly, is of afeuillemot-
A variety of this had the back more yellow: the breaft and’
belly of a bright yellow : and the bill black. This, he obferves,.
is common in the woods, and fings not unpleafantly; makes its-
neft of {talks, or inward hairs of old man’s beard, which is like
horfe-hair, on high trees. Such nefts are not unfrequently feen
on the further twigs of high trees, when the leaves are fallen off
which hide them. The two oppofite methods of conftru6ting,.as-
well as-placing, .the neft, cannot furely belong to one bird.
Le Carouge tie Cayenne,. PI. enl. 607. f«. 1.
Baftard Baltimore female, Cat. Car. pi. 49. Idwef figure.
T ENGTH fix inches-. Bill eight lines, and blue black: the
head, neck, breaft, and to the middle of the back, are black:
the lower part of. the back, rump,, and upper tail coverts, the
23. ,