54 2 C Ü C K O W .
Cuculus Cayanus, Ai«, i. p. 170. N° 14.
Le Coucou de Cayenne, Br if. orn. iv, p. 122. N° S. pi. 8, f. 2.— Pt.
erilum. 21 ï .
Le Coucou piaye, Buf. oif. vi. p. 414.
D escription.
M anners.
C^IZE of a Blackbird: length fifteen inches and three quarters.
The bill is grey brown, above an inch long, and a little bent
at the tip : the plumage on the upper parts of the body purplifh
cheftnut; beneath the fame, but paler: quills the fame as the
upper parts, tipped with brown : tail' the fame j near the end
black, and tipped with white j it is much cuneated, and above
ten inches long: the legs and claws are grey brown.
This inhabits Cayenne, where it goes by the name of Piaye, or
Devil. The natives give it that name, as a bird of ill omen.
The flefh they will not touch, and indeed not without reafon, as
it is very bad and lean.
It is a very- tame fpecies, fuffering itfelf to -be almoft touched
by the hand before it offers to efcape. Its flight is almoft like
that of a Kingsjijher; frequents the borders of rivers, on the low
branches; feeds on infedts; often wags its tail on changing
Al Cuculus Cayanenfis minor, Lin. Sjfl. i. p. 1.70, N° 14. /?.
V ar, A., Le petit Coucou de Cayenne, Btif. orn. iv. p. 124. N° 9. pl. 16. f. 2.
D escription. ^ I Z E of a Miffel Thrufh : length ten Inches and a half. Bill
grey brown : head and upper parts purplifh cheftnut : throat
to the brea ft the fame, but paler : belly, fides, and thighs, brown
afh :
C U C K O W.
afh: under tail coverts deep cheftnut brown: quills and tail as
the upper parts; the firft tipped with brown, the laft with white,
and much cuneated : legs and claws grey brown.
J^UFFON mentions likewife another variety, with a red bill: an
afh-coloured head: throat and breaft rufous : and the reft of
the under parts cinereous black.
Inhabits Cayenne,
Le Coucou noir de Cayenne, Buf. vif. vi. p. 416.—PI. eul. 512.
J^ENG TH eleven inches. Bill ten lines in length, and of a red
colour: irides red: general colour of the plumage black :
the parts beneath lefs dark than thofe above, inclining to afh :
upper wing coverts bordered with white: tail a little wedge-
fhaped, and exceeds the wings, when clofed, about three inches.
This bird is faid to have a tubercle at the fore part of the winm
It is a folitary filent bird; for the moft part being fo°und
perched on trees which grow near the water, and is not ne'ar fo
reftlefs as the major part of the Cuckow tribe; by which it may
feem fomewhat allied to the Barbet.
Inhabits Cayenne.
V ar. B.
D escription.
S 42*
D escription.