the upper parts of the body, and inclining to yellow beneath : the
quills are brown, with the outer edges rufous : the wings, when
folded, reach to within one inch of the end of the tail, which is
three inches long : the toes are feparated to their origin : and the
hind claw ftoucer than the others.
Inhabits Buenos Ayres. Buffon thinks this to be an intermediate
fpecies between the Promerops and the Guepier, as it has not the
outer toe joined to the middle almoft the whole length, like the
laft; and yet it has the toes longer, and the tail fhorter, than the
Le Polochion, Buf. off, vi. p. 477.
Lev. Mu/.
' T vHIS bird is about the fize o f a Cuckow, and weighs five
A ounces : it is fourteen inches in length. The bill is very
pointed, two inches long, notched near the tip j the colour
blackilh : noftrils near the middle of the bill, pervious, and covered
with a membrane at the back part: the tongue is as long
as the bill, terminated with a pencil of hairs : the eyes are fur-
rounded with a naked fkin : the cheeks are black: the hind part
of the head mixed with white : the feathers of the forehead form
an angle backwards : the tips of fome of the throat feathers filky :
the general colour of the plumage is grey, deepeft on the upper
parts, and lighted: beneath : the tail is five inches and two-thirds
in length, and confifts of twelve feathers, all of which are equal,'
except the outer ones, which are a trifle fhorter : the outer toe is
united at the bafe to the middle one : and the hind claw is much,
larger than the others: colour of the legs dufky.
This bird inhabits the ifle of Bouro, one of the Moluccas. It is
called Polochion *, from its imitating the found of that word as its
common and perpetual note, when perched on the high branches
of trees.
* This, in the language of thofe iflandera, figniiies, iifi os.