Le Couroucou a chaperon violet, Buf. oif. vi. p. 294.
Lanius, capite collo pe&oreque e violaceo nigricantibus digitis duobus an-
ticis, tbtidemque pofticis, N. C.Ac. f^/r.vol.xi. p.436. N°7 .t. 16. f.$*.
^-pHIS meafures nine inches and a half in length. The bill is
lead-coloured at the bafe, and whitifh at the point: on the
forehead, round the eyes and the ears, it is blackiih: the reft of
the head, the throat, neck, and breaft, very deep violet: the eyelids
yellow : the back and rump of a deep gilded green : the
upper tail coverts blueilh green, and gilded as the others: the
wings brown : the coverts and lefler quills dotted with white :
the two middle tail feathers blueilh green, tipped with black : the
two next, on each fide, partly of the laft colour, and partly black ;
the three outer ones black, barred and tipped with white.
Spotted Curucui, Brown Illujir* t. 13.
g I Z E of a Nuthatch. Bill brown: crown deep greet»: neck,
breaft, and belly, pale brown, barred with dufky: edges of
wings white: coverts and fecondaries green, tipped with white :
tail dulky, barred with white.
Inhabits Ceylon.
* M. Koelreuter, who ^mentions this in the Teterjburgh Tran/aB, above quoted,
calls it a Shrike, and yet places, in his plate, the toes two and two. How he
will reconcile this, I know not? the •flighteft obferver mull rank it with the
Curucuij; as the ferrated bill, and ihort, feathered, and weak legs will teftify.
3 R 2 Jafciated
c .
D escription.
P lace.