F emale.
The female has no red on the head, nor any mark of white on
the back and rump.
This is Brtjfon’s defcription, who informs us, that it came from
Cayenne-, but adds, that it is likewife found in North America and
Europe: likening that of Edwards to his bird ; which, however,
differs in fome particulars.
Buffon fcarce feems reconciled to a three-toed Woodpecker being
found in South America ; however, we are affured by Bancroft that
fuch an one is met with there, and he defcribes it particularly.
His bird was the fize of the European one : the colour black and
white mixed : the top of the head, and under the belly, bright
crimfon. The bird figured in the Planches enluminées has four
toes, placed two and two ; and has two ftreaks on each fide of
the head, one behind, and the other beneath the eye ; otherwife
not greatly unlike Brijfon’s bird. The whole feems to want further
illuftration. I have as yet feen only fuch fpecimens as inhabit
the northern parts.
G enus
G e n u s XXII. J A C A M A R ,
N" i. Green Jacamar. N* i . Great J;
Var. A. Long-tailedD0. 3. Paradife J.
BIL L long, ftrait, lharp-pointed, quadrangular.
' Noftrils oval, placed near the bafe of the bill.
Tongue lhort, pointed.
Legs feathered before, as far as the toes.
The toes placed two before and two behind.
This genus is much allied to the Kingsfijher, but the toes arc
differently placed. The food of the Jacamar is likewife different,
as it feeds on infedts alone, and frequents moift woods; while the
Kingsfijher tribe inhabits ftreams of water for the moft part, and
has a peculiar addrefs in filhing for the young fry of fifh, on
which it feeds. We are not perfedlly acquainted with the manners
and ceconomy of the genus»here treated o f ; and in refpedt to
the neft and eggs, nothing whatever is known about them.
I believe there are not-more than three fpecies yet known.
Alcedo Galbula, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 182. N° 15.
Le Jacamar, Brif. orn. iv. p. 86. N° 1. pi. oif. vii. p. 220.
*pl. 10.— PI. enl. 238.
Jacamaciri, Rati Syn- p. 44* N° $.-—Will. orn. p. 139* zz.—Ednu. pi. 334*
Cupreous Jacamar, Gen. o f Birds, p. 60. pi. 3.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
4 H 2 black,
D escription.