5*4 C U C K O 'W.
general hard and ftiff j the webs loofe, and each of the heard*,
furnilhed with fhorter ones: the legs are black: the inner hind
claw is faid to be more flender than the reft; but it is not mentioned
whether it is ftrait or longer: neither is the tail faid to be
wedge-lhaped ; nor does the figure exprefs it. M. Sonnerat only
fays, it is long and black: however, this might eafily have efcaped
the pencil of the draughtlman. M. Sonnerat has faid full enough
to make us fuppofe it the fame, or a trifling variety of the laft
Le Coucou de Madagafcar, B rif on . iv. p. 138. N° 16. pi. 13. f. :jj_
B n f oif vi. p. 369. pi. 17. .
Coucou de Madagafcar, appelle Toulou, P i. enl. 295. f. j . la femelle.
D escription. g O M E W H A T bigger than a Blackbird: length fourteen
inches and a quarter. The bill is brown, an inch and a
quarter in length : head, throat, hind part of the neck, and upper
part of the back, covered with longilh, narrow, ftiff feathers, of a
blackifh colour, with a rufous white ftripe down the lhaftj thofe
on the throat, fore part of the neck, and breaft, the fame, but
have only a longitudinal ftripe on each fide: lower part of the
back, rump, belly, fides, thighs, upper and lower tail coverts,
greenilh black: fcapulars, upper and under wing coverts, fine
cheftnut j Ihafts of them and the fcapulars purplifh : quills
cheftnut, tipped with brown : the tail eight inches or more in
length ; of a blackilh green above, and black beneath j in ihape
cuneiform : legs and claws black : the claw of the inner hind toe
three quarters of an inch in length, and almoft ftrait, like that of
a Lark.
1 Inhabits
C U C K O W.
Inhabits Madagajcar, where it is called folott. From the great
fimilarity this has to the Houhou,. it is probable that it may be a
young one of that bird.
Cuculus Senegalenfis, Lin. Syft. i. 169. N° 6.
Le Cqucou du Senegal, Brif. on. iv. p. 120. N° 7. t. 8. f. 1 .— PI. enl. 33y..
IjC Rufalbin, Buf. oij". vi. p. 370.
JN bulk it exceeds our Cuckow: length fifteen inches and a
quarter.’ General colour brownilh, inclined to rufous above,
beneath dirty white: the bill is black, fifteen lines long: the
upper parts of the head and neck are covered with blackilh feathers,
the middle and Ihafts of which are deepeft : cheeks, throat,
fore part and fides of the neck, are dirty white, with the Ihafts of
a brighter colour: rump and upper tail coverts brown, with
tranfverfe deep brown- ftriae: the under parts from the breaft dirty
white, with very obfcure tranfverfe ftriat: under tail coverts the
fame, but the ftrias more manifeft: quills rufous, with brownilh
tips: tail eight inches long, cuneated, and of a black colour:
legs and claws greyilh brown j. the inner hind claws more than
five lines long, ftrait, like the hind claw of a Lark.
Inhabits Senegal.
Lark-heeled Cuckow, Brown. III. p. 26. t. 13.
JN fize fomewhat larger than a Lark. Bill dulky: head, neck,
back, and wing coverts, ferruginous, marked with Ihort lines
of white, bounded by black, pointing downwards: belly yellowilh
brown: the firft and fecond of the prime quills plain reddilh
brown j the reft barred with black: tail very long, and cuneiform
D escription.
Blac t.
D escription.