? l 4CSS,
Alcedo torquata, Lin. Sjfi. i. p. 180. N° 8.
Le Martin-pefcheur hupe da Mexiqae, Brif. era. iv. p. 518. N* 23.
pi. 41. f. 1.— PL enl. 284.
L ’AIatli, Buf. oif. vii. p. 208.
Achalalaftli, Raii Sjit. p. 126.— Will. crn. p. 390.
* I 'HIS is o f the fize of a Magpie, and fifteen inches and a haFf
in length* The hill is three quarters of an inch thick at the
bafe, and more than three inches and a half long, and brown j the
bafe of the lower mandible reddifh : the head is crefted: the
irides are whitifh: the upper parts, of the head and body are
blueilh aflij the under parts cheffinut: the throat is whitilh, de-
fcending down the neck, and paffing. behind like a collar, ending
towards the back in a, point: between the bill and eye is a lpot
o f white: the thighs are fulvous, mixed with white t the under-
tail coverts pale fulvous, tranlverfely ftriated with black: leffer
wing coverts varied with blueilh alh, black,, and yellowifh j
neareft the body, blueilh alh fpotted with white; fartheft from;
the body,, blackilh, Ipatted white on the outlides and tips : the-
greater quills are marked in. the fame, manner, as is the. ta il: the:
legs are red t the claws blackilh..
Inhabits Martinico and' Mexico; at the laft place It is called
Achalalaftli, This bird migrates into the northern parts o f
Mexico at certain feafons only, and is fuppofed to come, there from
fome hotter parts. Buffan thinks it cannot be the bird which M..
Adanfon * fays is found in Senegal, ficce the two parts of the:
world are fo far afunder j and the bird itfelf,. as well as all of the-
genus, incapable of long flights.
Snppl, dc V Encyclopedic au mot Acialalalili.
Alcedo alcyon, Lin, Syji. i. p. 180. N° 7. 27*
Le Martin-pefcheur hupe de la Caroline, Brif. orn.W, p. 512. N°2i* BELTED1
Le Jaguacati, Buf. oif, vii. p. 210.
Kinghlher, Catejby Car. i. pi. 69.
Belted Kingfifher, Am, Zool, N°.
Lev, Muf,
C IZ E o f a Blackbird r length ten inches and a half. The bill is DEscRirwo*»
two inches and a half long, and black : the head crefted : general
colour of the plumage blueilh alh above, and white beneath
: on each fide the head are two white Ipots, one between
the bill and eye, and another beneath the eye: round the neck is
a collar of white j under this, on the fore part, the neGk is blueilh
alh : on the bread is a tranfverfe cheftnut band, three quarters
of an inch in breadth : the greater wing coverts and fecond
quills have white tips: the prime quills black, with tranfverfe
Ipots o f white on the inner webs, and tipped with white : the tail
tipped with white : legs and claws brown.
Inhabits Carolina, where it feeds on lizards and filh. Peace,
Martin-pecheur de la Louifiane, PI. enl. 715. 2yt
Crabcatcher, Sloan, Jam, ii. p. 313. N® 54. t. cc. f. 3* 4- Var. Av
Lev. Muf.
T ,ENGTH eleven inches and a half Bill two inches and three Description,.
quarters, and of a very dark brown: irides red : the head
deep lead-colour, and- crefted, each feather being very dark down
the middle: between the upper mandible and; eye a fpot of white :
the chin and fore part of the neck, half way down white, and this