*43 O R I U L E.
middle o f each feather : lower pan of the belly, thighs, and both
tail coverts, light brown : fcapulars the fame, with a tinge of
yellow : quills and tail blackifli, with rufous brown edges : the
cheeks and throat are black, which narrowing on each fide of the
neck, at laft ends in a point on the lower part of the neck, juft
above the Ihoulders : legs flefh-colour : claws brown.
Inhabits Mexico. Mr. Edwards compares the colours o f this
bird to thofe of a Lark, and fays the hind toe is long.
1 3*-
■ Var. A »
Le Tropiale tacheté de Cayenne, Buf. oif. :nL p. 2 P7. eril, 448# ;f. 1 ,1 ,
M ale* pyUFFON makes this and the laft varieties only. The Mâle had
the throat plain white : a ftreak of the fame pafied direftly
through the eye, between two other black ones parallel to it : the
irides reddifh orange. This bird had each feather black brown in
the middle, bordered with orange on the wings, tail, and lower
parts of the body -, and with yellowifh on the parts above.
■ Female* As to the female, the plumage is for the moft part of a dingy
yellow, blended with dirty white, giving it an unplealing uniformity
: the irides orange, as in the male.
Fl'aci* Thefe are likewife inhabitants of Cayenne.
Oriolns chryrocephalus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 164. 20*
Le Carouge à tête jaune d* Amérique, Brif. orn. app. 58. -t* 2. f, 2.
|~ EN GTH eight inches. Bill black, a trifle bent: upper pare
of the head fine yellow : forehead, fides of the head, the
neck, the back, rump,Tcàpùlars, breâft, belly, upper pan of the
thighs, Snd fides, foining bl^tck: lpwer part of the thighs yellow :
upper, leffer, and lower tail coverts the fame, but paler: the
great tail coverts black: lefler wing coverts beneath pale yellow ;
greater ones cinereous, mixed with yellow and black ■, above, the
lefler are fine yellow, the greater blackilh: quills black, with the
edges paler: tail blackilh, rounded: legs lead-colour: claws
Inhabits America.
Le Troupiale a queue fourchue, Sri/, on. ii> p. 105. N° 16.
g I Z E of a Blackbird. Bill yellow : colour of the bird wholly
black j but on the back and rump it inclines to blue, as do
the quills and tail: ; lower tail coverts white: tail long, and
forked : legs and claws black.
Inhabits Mexico.
Le Baltimore verd, Brif. om. a. p. 113. N° Jfi. pi. 2. f. 2.
Troupiale de St. Domingue appelle le Sifiieur, Suf. oif. iii. p. 230.— PI.
ml. 236., (. 1,
T^ENGTH almoft feven inches. Bill horn-colour: the head,
throat, neck, and upper part of the back, are olive brown:
breaft the fame, with a light tint o f rufous: the forehead of a
lighter colour: lp.wer part .of the back, rump, belly, fides, upper
and lower tail coverts, and lefler wing coverts, olive green :
thighs olive yellow : under .wing coverts, and edge of the wing,
yellow : greater upper wing coverts brown, edged with yellow :
3 L 2 tail
D escription.
P la c e ,
D escription,