V ar. B.
Pl. XXVII. ^ NOT HER Variety, faid to come from Ulietea, was of the
D escription. . fame fize as the above. Bill the fame: the crown of the
head greenifh black : over the eye a ferruginous ftreak : beneath,
and„behind the eye a broad ftreak of black, which palled to
the hind head, and encompaffed it all round : chin white :
neck, breaft, and belly, pale ferruginous ; this colour encom-
paffing the neck like a collar: each feather of the throat, neck,
and breaft, margined with dulky : outfide o f the thighs blackilh,
as in the others : back and wings like the head : rump pale
blueifn green : quills and tail feathers blackilh, with blue
margins : legs dulky.
D escription. A THIRD Variety, from New Zealand, differed in having
the crown blue: reft of the head black: throat, and round
the neck, white: a ftreak over- the eye, the hind part of the
neck, and the belly, buff-coloured : vent black : wings and tail
blue : round the knee black : legs brown.
Place. This was found at Dujky Bay, where it is called Ghotarre.
All the above have come under my infpedtion : whereby it is
manifeft, 'that this fpecies is common to many parts of the South-
Seas-, and, if I am not miftaken, not far different from N° i r,
which is found in the Molucca. IJles -, which, if not the fame,
is a fpecies nearly allied to this -, but in the Molucca one no part of
the. under mandible is white.