6 94 I I O O P O EL
D escription.
M a l e .
P l ace.
Le Promerops brun de là Nouvelle Guinée, Son. Vay. 164. t. îco*-
Le Promerops brun à ventre rayé, Puf. oif. vi. p. 471. pl. 22»
Promerops de la Nouvelle Guinée, P l. e n l638v
^T 'H IS meafures twenty-two inches from the end of the bill
■ *-' to that of the rail. The bill is two inches and a half long,,
pretty much bent, and o f a Aiming black colour : the irides are-
black : the top of the head *, and lides., are of the colour of po-
lilhed Heel : the neck anS throat are black : the hind part of the
neck, the back and wings, fcapulars, and tail, are brown : the
three fkft are tinged with brownilh green, and the colour o f the
three laft paler, except the outer tail feather, which is black on-
the inner web the whole length : the breaft and under parts of the
body are tranfverfely ftriped with black and white, each feather
having two black and two white bars on it, with the hafe grey :
the wings, when clofed, reach four inches beyond the origin o f '
the tail,, which conflits of twelve feathers -, the middle ones of
which are thirteen inches long, the others growing lhcrter fay
degrees, the IhorteA being, only four inches the legs are
In the female the head and neck are brown, but otherwife like,
the male.
Inhabits New Guinea.
• That in the Pl. enl. has à tinge of nfous on the head j but this mull fch
.Seemed a variety,