7*4 C R E E P E R .
Certhia currucaria, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 185. N8 6.
Le Grimpereau gris des Philippines, Brif. orn. i. p. 6Ij^ N° 5. pi. 30. f. 3.-
— B u f oif. V. p. 508.—PI. enl. p. 576. f. 2.
D escription. J JENGTH four inches and eight lines. Bill three quarters of
an inch long, and black:- tongue forked : the* upper parts
of the body are grey brown : the under parts yellowifh. white,,
deepeft on the breaft:- down, the middle of the neck, as far as the
breaft, is a deep violet ftripe, beginning at the chin : the upper
wing coverts are violet, with a fteely glofs: the quills brown:
tail one inch and a quarter in length, and black, edged With;
fteely blue, and whitifh at the tips: legs and claws black.
Plac e. Inhabits the Philippine IJles.
’ 5-
V a r . A.
Certhia jugularis, Lin, Sy.fi, i. p. 183. 7.
Le petit Grimpereau des Philippines, Brif. orn, iii. p. 616. N° 6. pi. 53.
f. 5.—Buf. oif. V. p. 309.— PI. enl. 576. f. 3.
D escription. HTHIS is fmaller than the laft: length three inches and eight
lines. Bill three quarters of an inch, and blackilh : the plumage
above is grey brawn; beneath yellow: on the throat is a
pretty large fpot of a deep violet-colour: quills grey brown :
tail deep brown ; the two outer feathers are obliquely tipped with:
yellowilh white : legs and claws blackilh.
Place and Inhabits the Philippine IJles. I think there can fcarce remain a
O bservations. d0ubt of its being a. female, rather than a young one of the laft
fpecies. We generally obferve, that the females are lefs vivid in
their markings, if the fame ; or, if not, to have the marks not fo
C R E E P E R .
Well defined, as the male : and again, the outer tail feathers are
tipped with white; this will be found in many of the females of
both Humming-bird and. Creeper genus, and will fomewhat affift in
defining the fex, though I will not fay always a certain criterion.
Bujfen has included the four laft defcribed in one chapter;
ihewing his opinion of the probability of all of them being nearly
irelated to one another.
7 *S
Certhia Lotenia, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 18S. N8 25.
Xe Grimpereau verd de Madagascar, Brif. on. iii. p. 64;. N8 19. pi. 33.
f. 4. the male, and £.$. the female.— PI. etil. 573. f. 2, 3.
L ’Angala-dian, Buf. oif. 5. p. 510.
^ H E length-of this fpecies is five inches and a quarter. Bill D escription,
fourteen lines, and black : the tongue compreffed at the
end *: the head, neck, back rump, fcapulars, and upper tail coverts,
are green gold : between the bill and eye, on each fide, is a
narrow line of velvet black: beneath, from the bread: to the vent,
of the laft colour, which is feparated from the green on the neck
by a tranfverfe bright violet band, aline and half in breadth: the
lefler wing coverts are of this laft colour; the middle coverts
are green gold; and the greater coverts are very fine black, edged
with green gold on the outer edge: the quills are the fame colour;
as are the tail feathers : legs black.
The female differs in having the breaft, belly, fides, thighs, uh- F emale.
der wing and tail coverts, of a dirty white, fpotted with black ;
and the wings and tail not of fo fine a black.
M. Adahfoti
! I
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• PI. n l.
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