K i n g s f i s h e r .
verts blue green; each feather tipped with bright blue: quills
and tail brown, edged with blue green : legs dull red.
V ar. A,
Le petit Martin-pefcheur de Bengale, Brif. orn. iv. p. 477. N° 3.
Little Indian Kingfilher, Ed-w. i. pi. n . upper f-rurr.
INSCRIPTION. t 1 'HIS is rather left than the other, and differs very little. In-
ftead of the rufous ftreak through the eye, it has two fpots,
the one at the bafe of the upper mandible,-and the other behind
each ear : and the quills and tail brown throughout.
Thefe both came from Bengal-, and it is moft probable that
they are varieties only of each other, or differ in fex. Linneus
fuppofês them to be varieties of the common Kingpfijhev ï but in
toy opinion they feem rather more like the following.
Alcedo çriûata, Lin. Sag. i. p. 17g. Ms 1.
Le Martin-pefcheur hupé des Philippines, Brif. orn. iv. p. 483. N” 5 .
pi. 37. f. 3.
Le VTntfi, Buf, oif. vii. p. 205.
Le petit Martin-pêcheur huppé. (Je& Philippines, PI, enl, 756. f. 1.
D escription*
y E.NGTH near five inches. Bill almoft an inch and a half
long,'and black : the feathers on the crown are longifh, and
form a creft ; thefe are greenifti, tranfverfely barred with black :
on each fide the neck is a fine blue ftripe, beginning at the eye,
and pafling a little way down the neck : the back, rump, and
upper tgil coverts, bright blue : ftapulars- violet : the cheeks are
sdfous, which colour pafffes down on each fide of the neck : the
threat rufous white : the fore part of the neck, and under parts of
9 the
k i n g s f i s h e r . 633
the body, pale rufous: the upper wing coverts violet; each feather
tipped with a bright blue fpot: all the quills are brown,
but the edges of the lelfer ones are violet: the tail the fame; the
whole of the two middle feathers, and the outer edges of all the
others, violet: the legs and claws are reddilh.
Inhabits Amboina and the Philippine Ijlands. The natives of
the firft give it the names of Tohorkey and Hito, and thofe of the
laft Vintji.
Le Martin-pefcheur hupe des Indes, Brif. orn, iv. p. 506. N9 17.
Alcedo criftata, orientalis elegantiff. pi&a, Seba i. p. 104. t. 67. f. 4.
/T 'H I S meafures five inches and a half in length. The bill is
above an inch and a quarter, and of a light red colour : the
head is marked and crefted as in the laft bird: the upper parts of
the body are the fame: the wing coverts bright beryl-blue, but
not fpotted as in the laft: the wings and tail are alfo the fame:
the colour of the legs not mentioned.
This bird is defcribed from Seba, who merely informs us that it
is met with in the Eaft Indies. It is molt likely a variety of the
laft mentioned.
Le Martin-pefcheur des Indes, Brif. orn. iv. p. 479. N° 4. pi. 37. f. 1. A.
r I HIS is one-third lels in lize than the common Kingsfilher :
length four inches and a half. Bill fixteen lines long, and
red: the upper part of the head, and the throat, are of a fine
blue : on each fide, from the bafe of the bill, is a ftripe of the
4 M fame,
V ar. A,
D escription.
P lace.'
D escription.