520 CG UU CC KK 0o Ww ;.
that in this fpecimen the tail feathers were not regularly cuneated,
all but the two outer ones being equal, and thofe alone an inch
and a half fhorter than the reft.
D escription.
Le Jacobin huppe de Coromandel, Buf. oif. vi. p. 380.—PI. enl. 872.
J ENGTH eleven inches. Bill black: head crefted like the
laft: the upper parts of the body black; the under white :
on the edge of the wing a fpot of white, in the fame place as in
the laft fpecies : tail cuneiform, tipped with white : the wings
reach halfway of the length of i t : legs brown.
Pla-ce. From the coaft of Coromandel. Buffon fuppofes this and the
laft mentioned to vary only from climate.
Le Coucou huppe noir & blanc, Buf. oif. vi. p, 362.
Cuculus exalbo & nigromixtus, Orr.itb. Itnl. 1.1. p. 81.
D escription. A L IT T L E larger than our Cuckow. Bill of a greenifh
brown : the head is black, and ornamented with .a creft,
which falls behind: the upper parts of the body are black and
white : throat, breaft, and under tail coverts, rufous; the reft of
the under parts white : quills rufous, tipped with white: tail
black, with a white tip ; the feathers of it longer in proportion
than in our fpecies, and more cuneated than in the great Spotted
Cuckow, N° 3, to which in other things it bears fome affinity:
legs green.
A male and female of thefe birds were found near FV/Iz, in
Italy, where they made their neft,. laying four eggs, fat on, and
C U C K O W. 5 *i
hatched them. It was obferved that this Ipecies had never made
its appearance there before ; nor was it known from whence
thefe birds came.
Le Coucou verdatrede Madagafcar, Buf. oif. vi. p. 364,— P l. ml. 8i j .
^ H I S is of a large fize: length twenty-one inches and a half.
Bill an inch and three quarters, and black: irides orange:
upper parts of the body deep olive, obfcurely waved with deep
brown : throat light olive, tinged with yellow: bread: and upper
part of the belly fulvous; lower part of the laft, and under tail
coverts, brown : thighs greyifh alh-colour : tail ten inches long;
fome of the fide feathers tipped with white: the wings reach two
inches further than the bafe of the tail 1 the legs are yellowilh
Inhabits Madagascar.
SECOND o f thefe birds was full as big as a Fowl, and near
half an inch longer than the other. On the head was a
naked blueifh fpace, fomewhat furrowed, and encircled with black
feathers; thofe of the head and neck were foft and filky: the
■ bafe of the bill briftly: infide of the rftouth black: the tongue
black and forked : irides reddifh : thighs, and, infides of the
wings, blackifh : legs black. This bird had the property of
turning the outer toe forwards as well as behind. It was fup-
pofed to be the male of the former, as it was ffeen in company of
the other's.
D escription.
P lace.
V ar . A.
D escription.