V ar. C.
Oriolus Chinenfis, Lin.SjJl.i. p. 160. N°,2.
Le Loriot de la Cochinchine, Brif. orn. ii. p. 326. N° 29. t. 33. f. 1»
Le Coulavan, Buf, oif, iii. p, 262. 1»
Le Couliavan de la Cochinchine, PI. enl. .570*
"n ATH ER bigger than the laft. The bill is yellow : the colours
are the fame as in the former, except that it has a black
mark like a horfe-fhoe palling from eye to eye over the Crown o f the
head : differing chiefly in the forehead, and the wing coverts, being
yellow inftead of black. The female alfo differs in the fame
proportion with that of the laft fpecies. The legs in both are
Place. Inhabits Cochinchina ; where the natives call it Gouliavan.
Some of thefe birds have the upper parts of a brownilh yellow.
V ar. D.
Le Loriot des lodes, Brif, orn. ii. p. 328. N° 60.— Buf. oif, aii. p. 264. IK.
Chloris Indicus, Aldr. Am. i. pi. in p. 862,— Jonft. Am. t. 41.
Description. tJ 'H IS differs very little from the laft-defcribed, and has a blueifh
horfe-fhoe mark from the angle of one fide of the mouth to
the other, palling‘ over the crown. It,is fpotted on the. wings
with blueifh longitudinal fpots, and a blueifh band crofles the
middle of the tail.
Place. Inhabits the Eaft Indies.
Le Loriot à telle rayée, Brif orn. ii. p. 332. Np62.—Bnf. oif iii. p.265,
Merula bicolor Aldrov. Raii Syn. p. .67. N ° I I .
Aldrovandus hi s Brafilian Merula, Will, orn. p. 193. §5.
T> ATH ËR kfs than a Blackbird. Bill reddifh yellow : head,
throat, and fore part of the neck, black, tipped with white :
hind part of the neck, back, rump, and upper tail coverts, reddifh
yellow : the under parts of the body the fame, but paler : wing
coverts and quills black, edged with white : tail reddifh yellow :
legs yellow : claws reddifh.
Country unknown.
Le Talapiot, Buf. oif, vii. p. 82.— PI, onl. 603.
J^ EN G TH feven inches. The bill an inch and a quarter in
length, ftrait, and pointed at the end : colour yellowifh
grey : the head, neck, and breaft, are rufous, fpotted and dafhed
with white : back, wings, and tail, rufous the belly rufous
brown: the tail is two inches long*, and rounded at the end ; each
feather, has the fhaft projecting in a point from the tip : legs
This inhabits Guiana, and is not unfrequent in the internal
parts of that country. It climbs the trees like a Creeper or Wsod-
pecker, to both which Buffon feems to think it inclined j but the
ftraitnefs of the bill prevents its being ranked with the firft, and
the toes being fituated three before and one behind, forbid it
* In the Planches enluminées the tail appears to confill: of ten feathers.
■ 4'
D escription*
c l im b in g
D escrip t ion.