c u e k 0 w .
P lace.
of a fine blue colour, but the quills are gloffed with green and
violet, in different lights : the tail of a very fine blue, glofied
with violet; the two middle feathers exceed the others but
very little t legs and claws black»
This is found at Madagafcar.
t e grand Coucou de Madagafcar, Brif. or«, iv.. p. 1G0, N-° 28. pK 15. f - i .
—PL enl. 587. the male.
Le Vourou-driou, Buf .\ oif. vi. p. 395.
Ma l e ,.
C IZ E of a large Pigeon : length fifteen inches. Bill two inches
long, blackilh, and more drait than ufual in this genus : the
head, throat, and neck, are einereous : crown of the head blackifh,
gloffed with green and copper: from the bill to the eye, on each
fide, is aflender black line : the back, rump, fcapulars, and'upper
wing and tail coverts, green, glblfed with copper : bread, belly,
fides, thighs, under wing and tail coverts, bright grey : greater
quills blackifh; the leffer quills dull green, with a fine green
and copper glofs : the tail is compofed of twelve feathers, o f
equal lengths, above copper and green-gold, beneath black: the
legs reddilhclaws black.
Y a r . A,
Le grand'Coucou de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. iv. p. '.6z. pi. 15.. f. 2.— PI.,
enl. 588.—Buf. oif. vi. p, 396.
D escription-.
^ I 'K E female is bigger than the male : and is. in length feven-
teen inches and a half. The bill is two inches and one-third
in. length, and of a brown colour!: head, throaty and hind part of
€ U G K O W.
the neck, tranfverfely driped with brown and rufous: back and!
rump brown: the. upper tail coverts, fore part of the neck, the
bread, belly, fides, and under tail coverts, incline to rufous, with
a blackilh fpot near the end o f every feather: thighs and under
wing coverts plain: leffer wing coverts, above, brown tipped
with rufous; the greater ones brown within, and dull green on
the outer edge, margined, and tipped with rufous : quills as in
the male, but duller: tail fine, brown above, fomewhat rufous at
the tips : legs reddilh : claws blackilh.
Both thefe inhabit Madagafcar, where the male is called Vouroug- P la c e,
driou, and the female Cromb. They differ fo much, as to be taken
by the natives for didinft fpecies.
Le Coucouindicateur, Buf. oif. vi! p. 392. N*> 22.
Cuculus indicator, J .F r . Miller mifcell. fo l. tab. xxiv. iig. A
Honey Guide, Phil. -Tran/, vol. lxvii. p. 38. pi. x.
J^ EN G TH fe v en in ch e s . B i l l h a l f an in c h lo n g , th ic k ifh ; b row n D escription-..
towards the bafe; at the tip luteous; the bafe befet with a
few bridles : irides ferruginous grey : eyelids naked, black : top
of the head grey ; the feathers, broadifh and fhort : chin,"throat,
and bread,, dirty white, with a tinge of green on the lad : back and
rump ferruginous, grey : belly and vent white :. thighs white, with
a longitudinal dreak of black on each feather: upper wing, coverts
grey-brown, fome of them tipped with yellow, forming a yellow
fpot on the fhoulders, which is,, for the mod part, covered by the
fcapulars : quills,, above,, brown j beneath,, grey-brown : badard
wing grey-brown: tail cuneiform, compofed of twelve feathers,
the two middle ones narrowed; both above and beneath rudy
brown; the two next, on each fide, fuliginous ;,the inner margins.
31 •