t 698 3
G enus XXVIII. C R E E P E f e
N’ i. Common Cr.
2.. Green Cr.
3. Great Hook-billed Cr.
4. Hook-billed green Cr.
3. Hook-billed red Cr.
6. Sickle-billed Cr.
7. Violet Cr.
Var. A.
8. Red-breaitedCr..
Var. A.
Var. B.
9. Senegal Cr..
10. Collared Cr*.
11. Cape Cr.
12. Philippine Cr..
13. Ceylonefe Cr..
Var. A.
14. Olive Cr.
15. Grey Cr.
Var. A .
1 6 . Loten’s Cr.
17. Green gold Cr.
18. AfricanCr.
Var. A.
Var. B.
N° 19. Violet-headed Cr..
20. Beautiful Gr..
21. Famous Gr.
22. Cinereous Cr.
23. Red Cr.
Var. A.
24. Green-faced Cr.
23. Purple Cr.
26. Black and blue Cr.
27. Blue Cr.
28; Black-headed:Cr.
Var. A.
Van B.
Var. C.
29. Cayenne Cr.
30. Variegated Cr.
31. Black and violet Cr..
32. Wall Cr.
33. Brown Cr.
34. Wattled Gr.
33. Cardinal Cr.
36. Yellow-cheeked C f..
37. Blue-throated Cr.
38. Orange- breafted Cr.
N° 39. Mocking
C R E E P E R,
N* 39. Mocking Cr. N ' 43. Crimfon Cr.
40. Red-fpotted Cr. 44. Olive-green Cr,
41. Yellow-rumped Cr. 43. Scarlet Cr.
4,2. Black and yellow Cr. 46. Cinnamon Cr.
Var. A. Yellow-bellied 47. Macaffar Cr.
Cr. 48. Indian Cr.
Var. B. Bahama Cr. 49. Amboinan Cr.
H p H E bill in this genus is ilender, incurvated, and fliarp-
Noftrils fmall *.
Tongue in lhape uncertain.
Legs moderately ftout.
Toes placed three before and one behind; back toe large;
daws hooked and long.
Tail conlifting of twelve feathers.
This genus has, by many naturalifts, been confounded with the
following; but a little confideration will point out the difference.
In thefirfi place, Creepers are not confined to any climate, being
found in all quarters of the globe ; while Humming-Birds are met
with only in the warmer parts of America. Secondly, The genus
here treated of, has the bill pointed at the end, be the fhape of it
however different; but that of the Humming-Bird is bluntilh.
Thirdly, The Creeper genus feeds principally on infefts ; while the
Humming-Bird s food confifts only of the juice extradted from the
y In general they are fo, but feveral of this genus are pretty large, and covered
with a membrane.
4 Ü S nedlaria