Ynnx torquilla, Lin. Syft. i. p, 172.
■--------— -— j Scofr atm. i. N° 50.— George RuJJi.
LeTorcol, Brif. cm. iv. p. 4. pi. 1. f. 1.
*■ 1 -> Buf.eif. vii. p. 84. pi. 3.— PI. tr.l. 678.
Dreh-hals, Frifch. t. 38.— Wendhals, Kram. el. p. 336*.
Jynx.five torquilla, Rail Syn. p. 44. A . 8,
The Wryneck, Willem, p. 138. t. 22.
~ , A ll in. i. pi. 21.—Br.Zeel. N° 83.'
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
HOUGH the colours are very few in this bird, nor at all-
gaudy, yet their being blended together in a moft beautiful
manner, gives it an elegant appearance. In lize it nearly equals a
Lark: the length, is feven. inches. The bill is. three quarters of
an inch long, and o f a pale lead-colour: irides hazel: the tongue
is long, in lhape like a. worm when extended.— “ Its plumage (fays
Mr. Pennant) is marked with the plained: kinds : a lift of black
and ferruginous ftrokes divide the top of the head and the
back : the fides of the head and neck are afh-coloured, beautifully
traverfed with fine lines of black and reddifti brown.: the quill
feathers are dufky, but each web is marked with ruft-coloured
fpots : the chin and bread: are of a light yellowilh brown, adorned
with lharp-pointed bars of black : the tail confifts of ten feathers,
broad at their, ends,, and weak, of a pale afh-colour, powdered
with black and red, and marked with four equidiftant bars, of
black.” '
The female is paler in colour than the male. It builds in hollow
trees, making no neft, but laying the eggs, which are from
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