H. B.
,Trochilus Mango, Lin, SjJl. i. p. 19.1- N° 10.
>Le Colibri de la jamaique, Brif, orn. iii. p. 679* N°-8. t. 35. f.-i»
Le Plaftron noir, Buf. aif. vi. p. 59.
Colibri de la Jamaique, ,P l. enl. 680. f. 3. male.
Colibri du Mexique, — -------— f. 2. female.
-Guianumbi minor, roftro nigro, Raiijyn. p. 83. N° 5.—WilL,omt. p. 232.
N° 5• l | ; ...
■ Mango Humming-bird, Alb in. iii. t. 49. b.
T ENGTH four inches and a third. Bill an inch long, not
• much curved, and blackifli: the head and upper parts of the
body are green gold; with a copper glofs : throat, fore part of the
neck, breaft, belly, and Tides, bright velvet black; this colour is
feparated from that of the upper parts by a ftripe of very fhining
b lu e , w h ic h arifes at the corners' of the mouth, and extends on
each fide of the neck and breaft : the thighs are brown : the vent
white : the under tail coverts violet brown : the quills and greater
coverts the fame: the two middle tail feathers are black, with a
gilded violet glofs; thofe on the fides gloffy purplifti cheftnut,
and margined with afteely black nearly all round: legs black.
The female has the upper furface of the body and wings the
fame as the laft, as are the chin and throat; but the breaft and
belly are black : the tail as in the other; but the outer feathers
have brown ends, the two middle ones being green, like the upper
parts of the body.
Inhabits Mexico, Braftl, and .St. Domingo-, Albin fays alfo Jamaica
; and that it builds its neft in the phyfic-nut tree, making it
of cotton, and laying two white eggs, as big as peas.
J have feen a variety of the male of this bird, having the throat
and fore part of the neck white, down the middle of which was a
ftripe of black from the- chin to the breaft.
Largelt or blickeft Humming-bird, RàiiJyu, p. 187. N* 43,— Sloan. Jam, fg#
p, 308. N I4 0 - +- V a r.. A.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/.
L E N G T H four inches. Bill an inch, fomewhat curved, and Djscript,on,
black : the upper part of the body blackifh green ; the ends
of the feathers margined with copper ; but this is not brilliant,
nor does it appear at all glofify, except in particular lights, having
for the moft part the appearance of dulky black : the chin,
fore part of the neck, and breaft, are purple and -gloffy : down the
middle, the whole way from the chin; is a ftripe of black : the
belly is dulky : on-each fide the vent is a fmall tuft of white feathers
: the two middle tail ’feathers, and upper tail coverts, are
dark green; the others purple, with 4 glofs-of copper, margined
at the tips with black : the legs are black.
I have received feveral of thefe birds; from JâmcUca, and have-- PiAe,,
feen them likewife in the colleftions o f others, but cannot think
them the fame with the laft defcribed ; indeed, the diftribution of
colours is fomewhat the fame, but the colours themfelves are quite
different; the bird, therefore, laft defcribed is at leaft a ftrong variety,
if not a different, fp'ecies.
L E N G T H fix inches. Bill a little hint, and black; the under D£SCriptk>k. .
mandible yellow aimbft to the tip: the plumage on the
uppierparts'o f thè'body i s ‘of a;ffne'gloffy green; beneath alhcolour
: •