Tha c i .
lower part of the belly is awhitefpot: the tail is forked ; the
two outer feathers are three inches and three quarters long, and
the middle ones an inch and three quarters onl ythe colour of it:
black blue, with a glofs of polilhed fteel: the legs are black.
Inhabits Cayenne. Buffon obferves, that this defcription belt
fuits that of Marcgrave, which Brijfon has put down as lynony-
mous with the laft mentioned; and not only corredts that error,
but likewife that of Ray and Willughhy, dependent on Marcgrave's
As thefe four have the bills curved, though in a very fmali degree,
I place them in this divifion, rather than, rank them with
thofe whofe bills are abfolutely ftrair.
y ENGTH four inches and a quarter. Bill an inch long, bent,
and black ; head, neck, back, and tail, very dark green, appearing
blackifh in fome lights, and glofly green in others ; wing
and upper tail coverts glolly green : from the chin to the bread:
the feathers are of a fine deepjwBet-colour, appearing very glofljr
in fome directions : the belly, thighs,, and vent, black,, with a
very faint greenilh glofs legs black. -
The female, or what was given to me as fuch,, has the upper
parts of the body like the other : from the chin to the bread green
gold, inftead of gloffy garnet-colour; the belly, thighs, and vent,,
dulky black : the quills dulky: tail and legs black,.
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