784 H U M M I N G - B I R D .
5 4s
H. B. Sr. Mu/.
D escription. g I Z E of the laft: colour of the plumage dufky pale brown:
quills and tail darkeft : creft fafhioned as in the laft bird ; but
wholly of a glofiy bright blue.
Defcribed from a fpecimen in the Britijh Mufeum, but whether
allied to the laft uncertain: from whence it came is likewife
H. B.
Le Hupecol, Suf.oif. vi. p. r8.
L ’Oifeau-mouche, dit le Hupecol de Cayenne, PI. eul. 640. F. 3.
Lev. Muf.
D escription.
M ale.
* | ’'HIS is a moft elegant as well as lingular fpecies : it is fcarce-
ly fo big as the red-tbroated: the head, and all the upper
parts o f the body, are of a green gold : acrofs the rump is a white
band: beyond this, to the end of the tail, it is brown, with a
bronzed appearance j but the inner webs of the feathers are rufous
: the under parts o f the body are of a gilded green brown;
and the lower part of the belly white : on the top of the head is
a rufous creft, pretty long : but what charafterifes the bird, is a
tuft on each fide of the neck, beneath the ears, confiffing of feven
or eight feathers o f different lengths, the longeft above half an
inch, the feathers of which are rather harrow, of a rufous colour,
and at the end of each there is a Ihining green fpot; thefe feathers
the bird is faid to ereft like a ruff, or deprefs them, at will j
and when the bird is at reft they are in the laft ftate, falling on
the neck t the throat, and fore part o f the neck, are of a rich