P lace and
M anners.
g r a k l e .
tip yellow : the noftrils oblong, and placed in the middle of the
bill • the irides are hazel: the feathers on the top of the head are
fhort, like cut velvet, except juft in the middle, to the hind head,
where they are like thofe of other birds : on each fide of the head
is a naked membrane, beginning beneath each eye, and ftretching
to the hind head, but hot uniting at that part; this is irregular in
breadth, loofe on the edges, and is of a yellow'ifh colour, fubjedt
however to differ in colour at certain feafons of the year, or when
the bird is angry or pleafed, &c. : the general colour of the
plumage is black, gloflfed with violet, purple, and green, in.different
refledtions of ligh t: on' the quills is a bar of white * : the
tail is compofed of twelve feathers, is three inches in length, and
even at the end : the legs are orange yellow : and the claws of a
pale brown.
This fpecies is found in feveral parts of the Eaft Indies, in the
IJle of Hainan, and almoft every ijle beyond the Ganges; and is remarkable
for whiftling, ftnging, and talking well; much more fo
than any of the Parrot kind, and in particular very diftindt. Its
food is of the vegetable kind. Thofe kept in this climate are
obferved to be very fond of cherries and grapes: if cherries are offered
to it, and it does not immediately g.et them, it cries and
whines like a young child, till it has obtained its defires f. It is
a very tame and familiar bird.
It is met with alfo in Java, where it is called Maynoa, and may
be compared with the Lef-koa of the Cbinefe J.
* This is not fo in the Planches enluminces; but B u f on is not lure that it was
not omitted by accident.
•J- Balerne orn. p. 181.
X OJb. Voy. i. p. 157.
Le grand Mainate, Brif. orn. ii. p. 308. N° 50.— Buf, oij\ iii. p. 419.
The greater Minor, or Mino, Ed<w. i. pi. 17.
'j^'HIS exaftly refembles the laft in colour, but exceeds it much
in fize, being equal to a Jackdaw.
This inhabits the Ijle of Hainan, in Afia.
One defcribed by Bontius is faid to. “ refemble our country
Stare in the fea-green and dark blue feathers, marked with cinereous
fpots j but it has a yellow creft on the neck, and its head is
fet with black foft feathers, that feeling of it you would think
you touched velvet*.” Whether that with the cinereous fpots
was a variety, or a diftindt fpecies, is not yet determined.
Graculacalva, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 164. N° 2.
Le Merle ehauve des Philippines, Brif. orn. ii. p. 280. N° 36. pi, 26. f. 2.
— PI. enl. 200.
Le Goulin, Buf. oif. iii. p. 4Z0.
I ting, Tabaduru, vel Gulin, (Palalacas fpecies) Ph. Trail/, vol. xjfiii.
p, 1397. N°4 3.
e -pH IS equals a Blackbird in fize : and in length is ten inches.
The bill is thirteen lines in length, of a brown colour: on
the middle of the head, from the bafe of the bill to the hind
head, is a narrow lift of fhort brown feathers; the reft of the head
and cheeks are bare of feathers, and flefh-coloured; but when the
bird is irritated, becomes, like the laft fpecies, of a deep red:
the general colour of the plumage on the upper parts of the
V ar. A.
D escription,
D escription,
See Will ugh. p. 196. § 2.
3 N body