C R E E P E R.
with green: quills brown* the outer edges green: tail greenifh'
brown: legs black.
Inhabits Garniola. Scopcli feems at a lofs to know whether it be
a variety, or of a different fex from the laft ; but if the colours are
fuch as he defcribes them, it furely muft be a diftindt fpecies.
Lev. Muf,
J ENGTH eight inches. Bill an inch and three quarters, flout
at the bafe, and very much hooked ; colour of it brown, with
a pale bafe : the upper parts of the body are black, except the lower
part of the back, the rump, and upper tail coverts, which are of a
fine deep yellow : the under parts of the body dufky: the fhoulders,.
inner ridge o f the wing, and part of the inner Wing coverts,
are ofthe fame yellow: the baftard wing yellowifh white at the
end: the under wing coverts fnow white:, the Tides of the vent,,
the vent itfelf, and the thighs, are yellow..: the tail and. quills.,
black : the legs black brown.
Inhabits the Friendly IJles, iitthe South Seas,.
Lev- Muft . .
f ^ENGTHTeven-inches. Bill an inch and three quarters long,,
and bent quite in the fhape of a femieircle; the under mandible
fhorteft by a quarter of an inch .; colour of both browinfh
black: the noftrils covered with a membrane: between, the bill:
and eye is a ftreak of brown : the plumage in general is olive
green, paled: beneath, and fomewhat inclined to yellow: quills
and i
7 ° 3
Pla c e.
D escription.
g r e e n
Pl . x x x i il .
Fig- i.
D escription.