74° C R E E P E R.
Lev» Mu/»
| ENGTH five inches. Bill very little curved, and of a dulky
colour;, pale at the bafe: between the bill and eye dufky r
plumage olive green, paleft beneath: quills and tail the fame,
but more dutky s both edged with yellow : legs dulky.
Place. Inhabits the Sandwich Ijlands. This, is by feme fuppofed to be
the female of the laft; which is by no means unlikely, as feveraL
birds, of which the male is red, the females are green *.
Lev. Mu/» .
g I Z E of a Wren : length fcarcely . four inches.. The bill is half
an inch long, very little bent, and of a black colour : the get
neral colour of the plumage is fcarlet, except the wings and tail,
which are black : and the lower part of the belly and.vent white t ;
the legs and claws are black;
Place. . This is in the L'everian MtifeUm, and isfaid to have come from;
feme part of the South Seas..
4 6-
CR. Br. Muf .
Description; 1~ ENGTH five inches. Bill very little bent,- and- black; about
three quarters o f an inch in. length :: the upper part of the
plumage is the colour of cinnamon; the under-parts white: the
tail made like our European Creeper, and of the fame colour as
the upper parts o f the body : legs dulky.. ,
In the Britijh Mufeum...
? The Croftlillred Taaager, and feveral others. .
i La
C R E E P E R .
Xie Colibn 'des Indes, Brif. orn» iii. p, 675. N° 6•
Avis Tjtoci Indica Orientalis, Seba, i. p. 100* t. 63. f. 3.
g I Z E o f a Wren: length four inches and a half. Bill eleven
lines; colour whitifh: the plumage on the upper parts is
green gold, .with a glofs of copper; beneath blackilh brown : the
tail green gold : legs and claws black.
■ Inhabits-the iflands of Bally and Macajfar, in the Eafi Indies..
Le Colibri bleu des Indes, Brif. or*, iii. p. 682. N° 10..
Avis Colnbri ©rientalis, Seta, ii. p. zo. t. io. f. 2.
T ENGTH from bill to tail four inches and a half. Bill fifteen
lines- long, and black : the whole plumage is of a very
line glofiy blue colour, except the throat and fore part of the
neck, which are whitiihj but both wings and tail are of the fame
colour with the reft of the body : the legs are black.'
Said to inhabit the Eaft Indies.
Le Colibri d’Amb0!ne, Brif. arm iii. p. 685. TV1 12.
Avis Amboinenfis, Tfoei, vel Kafopit, difta, Seia, ii. p, 62. t. 62. f. 2.
'■ jpHE length of this fpecies is two inches and three-quarters.
Bill half an inch, and yellowilh : the plumage is cinereous
grey above, and green beneath : the head and neck yellow, edged
with green : the breaft is of a fine red : wings black : edge of the
wings and quills yellow ; the laft edged, with light green : the
whole bird is brilliant and glofiy..
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