772 H U M M I N G - B I R D ;
H. B.
L ’Oifeau-mouche à gorge tachetée de Cayenne, Bnf. orn. iii. p. yo6. N® 7,
t. 36. f. 2.
L ’Oifeau-inouche à gorge- tachetée, Buf. oif. vi, p. 31.
Oifeau-mouche tacheté de Cayenne, PI. enl. p. 276, f. 2.
D escription. ^pHIS bird is near four inches long, and the bill is eleven lines;
the upper mandible is black ; the lower whitifti, with a
black tip : general colour of the plumage green gold, gloffed
with copper : on the breaft the feathers are fringed with white :
and the belly, under tail coverts, and thighs, are grey: all the
tail feathers are fteel black; but the two-middle ones have a eop-
per glofs ; and all the others are tipped with grey : legs and claws
Buffon obferves, that it has great affinity to the next defcribed,
except that it is bigger, otherwile one defeription might ferve.
Lev. Muf>
in the Leverian Mufeum anfwers very nearly to the above
defeription. The length of the [bird and the bill perfectly
coincide : the plumage above is green gold, gloffed with copper :
four months, by the following method :—he made an exa& imitation of fome of
the tabular flowers with paper, fattened round a tobacco-pipe, and painted
them of a proper colour ; thefe were placed in the order of nature, imthe cage
wherein thefe little creatures were confined : the bottoms of the tubes were filled
with a mixture of brown fugar and water, as often as emptied"; and he had’the
pleafure of feeing them perform every adlion ; for they foon grew familiar,
1 and took the nourifhment in the feme mahner ns when ranging at large; though-
clofe under his eye.
h u m m i n g -b i r d . 773
diroat, and fore part of the neck, green gold; each feather margined
with grey : the breaft, belly, vent, and under tail coverts,
■ White: the region of the vent feems covered with down, not feathery,
like the reft : the quills blue black: tail greenifh black,
and not tipped with white. This laft circumftance is the cafe
alfo in a fpecimen in my pofieffion, in which the tail is much
rounded in fhape, and the under tail coverts green ; but in every
thing befidesjt perfeftly agrees with the laft defcribed.
Trcchilus mellifiigus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 192. N’ 15..
L ’Oifeau-mouche de Cayenne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 704. N° 6. t. 36. f. 3.
Le vert-doré, Buf. L vi. p. 29.
Oifeau-mouche de Cayenne, PI. ni. 276. ƒ. 3.
Guianuinbi nona fpecies,. Rail Syn. p. 83. N° 9.— Will. orn.p. 232. N° 9.
Lev. Muf.
L E N G T H from bill to tail two inches ten lines. Bill eight
lines and a half in length, and black : plumage in general
green gold, bronzed with copper : thighs and under tail coverts
grey brown : vent feathers white : quills violet brown: tail fteel
Black : legs covered to the toes with brown feathers : toes and
claws black.
Inhabits Cayenne. Buff on fays, that his fpecimen had the belly
only waved with green ; and mentions, after Marcgrave, that the
lower mandible was rufous.
H. B.
D escription.
, V TvYochilus