T.odi fpecies tertia, iW/. «9//r. 6. p. 17.
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^ IZ E of a Wren. The bill exaftly the fame in fhape as that of
the fecond fpecies : the upper parts of the plumage hoary
lead-colour,, inclining to black on the crown of the head : beneath,
from the throat to the tail, white as fnow : quills and tail
dufky black; the outer edges of the quills.white the tail even
at the end ; legs dufky..
Inhabits Surinam_
Todi fpecies qnarta, Path Sfic. 6. p. 17s
SIZE o f an Hedge Sparrow. Bill brown, half an inch long,
broad at the bafe, fomewhat indented over the noftrils,
and a little curved at the p o in t th e under mandible is white;
the bafe befet. with briftles: the upper parts- of the plumage
dufky olive brown; beneath yellowifh white: chin pale: quills
and tail the fame, edged with grey the tail two inches in length,
and even at the end : legs dufky.
Inhabits North America, where it frequents the decayed parts
o f trees ; has all the a&ions o f the Flycatcher. It has an agreeable
note, two or three times repeated, but not what can be called
a fong. It feeds on infefts. I have received this from Rhode
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