£80 W O O D P E C K E R .
and if this has the fame manners, notwithftanding its colours, I,
wilL as readily give up the point.
2 6.
Picus Bengalenlis, Lin. Syji. i. p. 175. N° 13*.
Le Pic verd de Bengale, Brif. orn. iv. p. 14. N° 2.
— ■ ■ 1 Buf. oif. vii. p. 23.—PI. enl. 695.-
Woodpecker from Bengal, Albin. iii. pi. 22.
Spotted Indian Woodpecker, Edw. iv. pi. 182*
P kscri-ption*. ^ 1 HIS is lefs than our green Woodpecker: length eight inches
and a half. The bill is an inch and a half long,, and
blackilh: top of the head black, fpotted with white : die hind
head furnifhed with a crimfon creft, and pretty long :. hind part
of the neck black: throat and fore part of the neck black and
white, irregularly mixed : breaft, upper part of the belly, and.
fides, white; the feathers margined, with brown : lower belly,,
thighs, and vent, white : fides of the head under, the eye white;,
from this a white line paffes down, the neck :: the upper part of
the back is yellow; the lower of a dull green : the under wing
coverts, and the upper leffer wing coyerts,, are deep brown,,
fpotted with white; the reft of the wing green, fpotted with,
lighter green: quills black, barred with white: tail greenilh.
black : legs and claws blackilh.
VJ?I.ACB> Inhabits Bengal, and is a mod beautiful fpecies-
V ar. A.
esc RiRTioN,
Specht de Ceylon, Naturforfcher> pl. 13. pi. iv
*J[ ’HIS is longer by an inch than the laft. The bill is an inch
and four lines, in length, of. a lead-colour, palilh at the bafe :
D escription,
it differs from the laft bird in having the white fpots on the head
more numerous : and the upper part of the back is black where
the other is yellowilh: the middle of the back, and that part of
the wings which in the other is brown, is in this of as fine a red
as the creft itfelf: throat and breaft brown, irregularly fpotted
with white the greater quills brown, dotted with white: the
tail brown.
This came from Ceylon *, where it is called Kerella. It is faid to
make its neft there in old trees, and feed on infefts. This is
molt probably only differing in fex from the other..
Pic grivelc, ou grand'Pic de l'Iflè dëLuçon, Son. Voy. 73. pi. 37:
Palaiaca, ou Pic vert tacheté des Philippines, Buf. .if. vii. p. 21,
Pic verd des Philippines, PI. ml. 69.1.
V a r . B.
C IZ E of the common green Woodpecker. Bill black: irides
red: the top, fides, and hind part of the head and neck, back
and wings, are of a fhining brown, with a mixture of green : the
feathers on the top of the head are long* than the reft, forming
a creft: the throat,, fore part of the neck, breaft, and belly,
white; each feather margined with black, making the bird appear
to be fpotted with white and black: the tail is black brown;
on each web is a white fpot, forming, when the tail is expanded,
a white band: the upper tail coverts of a carmine red: legs
* Perhaps too from China, as I fee it among fome drawings belonging to the.
late Dr. Fothergill, which were done in China •, but the toes were placed three
and one.
jL Inhabits.^