Plac e.
body yellow: between the wings a black mark: wing coverts
black, with a white fpot in the middle: quills and tail black:
■ legs brown.
Inhabits Bra/tl. This fattens the neft, which is compofed of
■ fine rulhes, and lined with hair, to a great leaf of a banana, by
means of long threads palling acrofs the leaf in different places,
•to the ribs and edges of the leaf alternately j refembling a deep
pouch fewed to a leaf*.
Oriolus Cayanenfis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 163. N° 15.
Le Carouge de Cayenne, Brif. orn. ii. p. 123. N°z6. t. 9. f. 2.
Le Carouge de l ’ifle de‘St. Thomas, Pi. ini. 533. f. 2.— Buf. iif. -iii.
p. 248.
Yellow-winged Pye, Edvj. 322.
Lev. Mu/.
Description. g lZ E of a Lark : length eight inches. The bill, legs, and
whole plumage of this bird is black, except a fpot on the
letter wing coverts, which are of a fine yellow : tail rounded.
Place. Inhabits Cayenne, and the IJle o f St. Thomas.— Mem. That figured
in Edw. had an indentation acrofs the bafe of the bill, at
the top, which I have not feen in other ipecimens.
*9 *
D escription.
Br. Muf.
^ jIZE d f the laft, but the bill foriiewhat fttongel1. General
-colour black: on the wing coverts, nearly in the fame place
*• Sakrtie»
which the yellow occupies in that bird, is a fpot of white, but
placed rather more backward ; bill and legs black.
In the Britijh Mufeum, I have alfo lately feen another, which
came from Cayenne.
Oriolus ifterocephalus, Lin. SjJi. i. p. 163. 16.
Le Carouge à tête jaune de Cayenne, Brif. orn. ii. p. 124. N» 27. t. ir , H Les Coiffes jaunes, Bnf. oif. iü. p. 217. 250.
Carouge de Cayenne, PI. enlum. 343.
Cornix atra, capite, collo, peétoreçpie, davis, N. C. Ac. Sc. Pctr. vol. xi.
p. 433. t. 15. fig. 7.
Yellow-headed Starling, Bdw. 323.
T ENGTH feven inches. The bill is blackifh; the bafe covered
with fhort black feathers : the head, throat, and fore
part of the neck, are fine yellow : the reft of the plumage black,
not gloffy : the lore is black : legs and claws brown.
Inhabits Cayenne.
Oriolus melancholicus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 168. N° 17.
Le Carouge tacheté, Brif. orn. ii. p. 126. N° 29.
Le Troupiale tacheté de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iii. p. 223.— PI. tnl. 448.
i. i, 2.
Shomburger, Edw. N° 8j.
C IZ E of a L a rk : length fix inches. Bill dull flelh-colour :
irides hazel: crown, back, and rump, rufous brown ; beneath
the fame, but lighter: each feather, both above and beneath,
(except the crown, which is plain) has a blackifh fpot in the
3 L middle
D escription.