74* C E E E P E It
Place« Inhabits Amboina.
Both Edwards * and Buffon + obferve, that Humming-birds are
peculiar to South America 5 and that none are found on.any part
o f the old continent. It is moll probable then that the. three laft
mentioned may belong to the Creeper genus, on our better acquaintance
with them; which is the more to be fuppofed, as the
whole defcription has been taken from Seba, who lived in an age
not fufficiently enlightened in thefe matters.
• Orn. vol. i. p. j6. f Hiß. deni/, vi. p. 32,
[ 743 3
* WT T H C U 1
N* 1. Paradile 'H. B.
2. Topaz H. B.
3. Supercilious H. B.
4 - Biack-capped H. B.
5. Blue-tailed. H . B.
6. Fork-tailed H. B.
7 . Leffer ditto
8. Cayenne ditto
9. Garnet-throated H. B.
Var. A*.
10. Red-breafted H. B.
Ji. Violet-tailed H. B.
12. Black-bellied H. B.
13. Spotted H. B.
14. Green-throated H. B.
15. Violet H. B.
16. Black-breafted H. B.
* * W I T H ST
30. Broad-lhafted H. B.
31. White-bellied H. B.
32. Green and blue H. B.
Var. A.
33. Violet-eared H. B.
t V E D B I L L S .
N° i7. White-tailed H. B.
18. Mango H. B.
Var. A.
19. Alh-bellied H. B.
20. Harlequin H. B.
21. Rufous-bellied H. B.
Var. A .‘
22. Grey-necked H. B.
23. Crimfon - headed blue
H .B .
24. St. Domingo H. B.
25. Admirable IT. B.
26. Yellow-fronted H. B.
27. Purple-crowned H . B.
28. Orange-headed H. B.
29. Little H; B.
B A I T B I L L S .
Var. A.
34. Ruby-throated H. B.
33. Red-throated H. B.
36. Spotted-necked H. B.
Var. A .
N °37.