and under the wing, are yellow: top of the head, the back, rump,
and upper tail coverts, black brown: the greater wing coverts
the fame, edged with yellowilh grey : quills and tail black: legs
and claws yellowilh.
T iace. Inhabits Mexico and Cayenne.
YELLOW Troupiale jaune d’Antigue, Son. Voy. p. 113, pi. 69.
D escrip t ion. C IZ E of a Blackbird. Bill blackifh : irides red : the head, fore
part of the neck, bread:, and belly, the colour of yellow orpi-
ment: hind part of the neck, wings, and tail, the colour of black
velvet: legs blackifh.
Place. Inhabits Antigue, in the ifle of Panay. This is alfo found on
the new continent. Known about the river Plate, in South America,
by the name of Ventre conco.lore.:■ It feems much allied to
the laft.
jgt Oriolns Baltimore, Lin. Syft. i. p. 162. N° 10.
4- BALTIMORE Le Baltimore, Brif. orn. ii. p. 109. N° 19. pi. 12. f. 1.— Buf. oif. iii,
- p. 231.— PI. enl. 506. f. 1.
Baltimore Bird, Catejb. Car. i. pi. 48.—Am. Zool. N°
Br. Muf.: Lev. Muf
D escription. T E N G TH feven inches. Bill lead-colour: head, neck, and
upper part of the body, black: the reft of the body orange :
the bend of the wing and lefier wing coverts are orange : greater
coverts and quills black j the firft tipped with white, making a
white bar on the wing; the laft margined with white: the two
middle feathers of the tail are black ; the four outer feathers are
3 orange
■ orange from the middle to the tips; and the two next juft tipped
with orange : legs dnd claws black.
The female, according to Buff on, has all the fore parts of a fine
black, like the male; tail the fame: wing coverts and quills
blackilh : and thofe parts, which are of a fine orange in the male,
are ih the female of a dull red.
Baltimore Birds are found in many parts of America, the
northern parts of which they occupy in fummer, being feen fome-
times as far as Montreal, in Canada, where they come in May ; returning
fouthward in the winter, which accounts for their being
feen ‘in Maryland and -Virginia at that time. They make the neft
of a Toft downy matter, in the fhape of a purfe, tying it with
threads to the very extreme forked twigs o'f the tulip, plane, and
hiccory trees ; in which they lay their eggs, and rear their young,
free from depredators of all kinds.
They are called Fire-birds by the country people; and indeed,
when in high plumage, their motions from branch, to branch not
unaptly refemble a fialh of fire.
Oriolus lpurius, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 162. N° - it .
Le Baltimore Ballard, Brif. orn. ii. p. i l l . N3 20. pi. 10. f, 3.— Buf. oif.
iii. .N° 233.— PI. enl. 506. f. 2.
-Ballard Baltimore, Catejb. Car. i. .pi. 49.-—Amcr. Zool. N°
g I Z E of the true Baltimore, but rheafures a trifle lefs in length.
Bill lead-colour: forehead and cheeks black and yellowilh
mixed: hind head and nape olive grey, marked with a few fpots
o f black: the upper part of the back the fame, but more dull;
■ the lower part of the back, the rump, fore part of the neck,
.3 K breaft»
F emale*
P lace an®