H. B.
D escription.
■ 12'.
-1- BLACK-
H. B.
D escription.
Le Colibri a queue violettc, Buf. o f. vi. p. 55.
i ' ■ ' ■— de Cayenne, PI. ml. 671. f. 2.
' J ’HE length of this bird is fix inches ;, that of the bill fixteen’
lines, and bent. The fides o f the throat are white; down the
middle it is brown mixed with greenthe fides-are the fame:
the breaft and belly white; the quills of a violet brown * : all the
upper parts of the body,, placed in an oppofite view, appear-
richly gilded, and, viewed on one fide, look green: the four middle
feathers of the tail are of a deep violet, glofled with a gilded
yellow; the fix outer ones are violet alfo, but have the tips, and!
part of the inner margins, white : ; legs dulky.,
Inhabits Cayenne^.
Trochilus holofcriceus, Lin. Syf. i. p.191. K°: r I .-
Le Colibri du Mexique, B rif or». iii. p. 676. N° 7.- t. 35. f. 2.'
Le Golibri vert & noir, Buf. oif. vi. p. 53.
Black-bellied green Humming-bird, Edna. i. t. 36.
Black-bellied American Humming-bird, Bancroft Guian. p. 169.'
J ENGTH four inches and a quarter. Bill black, rather more
than an inch in length :: the head, neck, and' upper parts'of
the body, are green gold, with a - glbfs of copper : The breaft,
belly, fides, and thighs, Ihining black, with, a reddilh tinge :
acrofs the breaft is a tranfverfe band of blue, and'on the lower
part of the belly another leffer one of white : the tail is deep
* The quills of mod of. the Humming-birds feem to be nearly of this
a black,
-black, with a blue glofs like polilhed fteel; all the feathers are
•of equal lengths: legs black.
Edwards has figured another with this, in the fame plate, which
he fuppofet the female, as it anfwered the above defcription in all
things, except that the-white-mark on the belly was wanting.
I have one of thefe birds, which, inftead of the white on the
belly, has only a white lpot on each fide, and the bird is rather
Jefs in fizp.
Inhabits Mexico and Guiana.
Le Colibri piquets, B rif orn, iii. p. 66g* N° 2.
Le Zitzil, on Colibri piquete, Buf. oif. vi. p, 50.
Hoizitziltototl, Fernand. Hiß\ Mex. p. 705.
■ J ^ENGTH five inches and a half. Bill black; in length thirteen
lines and a half: the head, hind part of the neck, back,
rump, fcapulars, and under parts of the body, are green gold,
with a glofs of copper : the throat, fore part of the neck, and
wing coverts, the fame, but marked with fmall white fpots :
quills violet brown : tail greenifh brown, tipped with white : legs
and claws black.
Inhabits Mexico.
Le Colibri à cravate verte, Buf. oif. ni. p. 56.
—— — 11 à gorge verte de Cayenne, PI. ml. 671. f. 1.
* 1 VHIS is about the fame fize as the laft; but the bill is not fo
J * long. The upper parts of the body and tail are of a deep
.gilded green: on the. throat is a dalh of very bright emerald
5 ° 2 green,
>3- L
H. B.
D escription.
P lace.
1 4 -
H. B.
D escription.