49* c u r u c u r.
U s S C R i r .T IO N ,
Fafciated Corucui, fad. Zoo!, pi. j .
T ENGTH ten inches and a half: weight one ounce and five-
X"> eighths. Bill black, thick,, ftrong, and arched, befet with
briftles at the bafe : orbits naked, of a deep blue : irides yellow :
head and neck dufky black paleft on the breaft: acrofs the
3H h,nfl of white, beneath that the whole under fide is
of a light, reddifh, orange-colour : back tawny : tail coverts grey :
wing coverts, and fcapulars, elegantly barred with undulated lines
of black and white : quills dufky, ftriped with white on the outer
webs : tail very long, unequal,, the outer feathers the fhorteft;
tip black : legs dufky..
Inhabits Ceylon, where it Is rare; called by the Cingalefe, Rant-
van-kondea. It is nearly like that in Brif. iv. 165.; but the band,
of the bread, mentioned in the above fpecimen, fhews it to.
differ from that of Brijfon, which, comes, from Cayenne..
a: GiNVti'
C 493 ]
G e n u s XVIII. B A R E E T.
N T . Spotted-belliedB. Var. A.
2. Cayenne B. N* 9. Little E.
Var. A. Black-fpotted B. 10. Grand B.
3- Collared B. 11. Green B.
4 - Beautiful B. 12. Buff-faced B.
J- Greater pied B. J3- White-breafted B.
6. Leffer pied B. 14. Red-crowned B.
7- Yellow-throated B. »5- Yellow-cheeked B.
S. Black-throated B. 16. Doubtful B.
r p H E bill in this genus is. ftrong, ftrait, and bends a j;ttje t0_
wards the point; the bafe of ir covered with ftrong briftles,
which, in fome fpecies, exceed the length of the b ill: noftrils
Toes placed two before and two behind, divided to their origin.
Tail confifting of weak feathers *.
Birds of this genus are found in A/ta, Africa, and the fouthern
parts of America. Are in general a dull ftupid race, and their
manners all alike, being chiefly fuch as are mentioned as belonging
to the firft fpecies.
* Eor the moil part ten in number,.though this is not conftant.