G e n u s XXVI. B E E - E A T E R .
N* i. Common B.
2. Indian B.
| Var. A.
Var. B.
Var. C.
3. Yellow-headed B.
4. Supercilious B.
5. Philippine B.
6. Cinereous B.
7. Yellow B.
8. Brafilian B.
9. Cheftnut B.
Var. A.
N° 10. Yellow-throated B,
11.. Angola B.
12. Red-headed B.
13. Blue-headed B.
14. Red-winged B.
15. Cayenne B.
16. Surinam B.
17. Poe B.
18. Yellow-tufted B.
19. Rufous B.
20. Molucca B.
BILE quadrangular, a little incurvated, lharp-pointed.
Noftrils fmall, placed near the bafe.
Tongue Gender*.
Toes, three forward, one backward; the outer toe more or lefs
connected with the middle one.
Befeaters, a few fpecies excepted, are inhabitants of the old-
continent i but none of them have ever been known to vifit this
kingdom. The firft fpecies feems to be found in many parts,
and is pretty common, but the reft are more confined, and much
fcarcer. The general food is fuppofed to be in fe lts; but in the
* In many fpecie» jagged or. fringed at the end.
i method
method of forming the neft, it imitates the Kingsfijher, making
it in holes in the banks of rivers; and it feems to be much allied
to this bird, differing only in food. It is faid to be particularly
fond of wafps and bees, whence the name. I do not find that
birds of this genus have any note beyond a whittle *, and that far
from agreeable.
Merops Apiafter, Lin. Syß. i. p. 182. N° 1.—Muf. Adolph, ii. p. z j .—
Scop. ann. i. p. 54. N°63.
Le Guelpier, Brif. orn. iv. p. 532. N° 1.
Le Guêpier, Buf . oif. vi. p. 480. pi. 23.— PI. eni. 938.
Le Guêpier, Fermin Defer. de Surinam, ii. p. 184?
Merops Galilæus, Hajfelq. Itin» p. 247. N° 24.—Faun. Arab. p. 1. N° 3.
ïfpida cauda molli, Kramer el. 337. 4
Merops, live Apiafter, Rail Syn. p. 49. N° 3,.
The Bee-eater, Will, orn. p. 147. pi. 24.— Albin, ii. pi, 44.
Br. Muf Lev. Muf.
rpH IS bird meafures, from bill to tail, ten inches. The bil
an inch and three quarters in length, and black ; the bafe of
the upper mandible covered with dirty white feathers : the irides
are red : the forehead is of a blue green colour, behind it green :
the top of the head cheftnut, tinged with green ; hind head and
upper part of the neck cheftnut, growing paler towards the back :
from the bill to the hind head is a black ftripe, palling through
the eyes ; the back and-fcapulars are o f a very pale yellow, tinged
with both cheftnut and green ; rump and upper tail coverts blue
* Hiß. des oif. vi. p. 484.
+ It muft be remarked here, that Kramer does not mean our Kingsfifhert either
•from his deferiptions or fynonyms,
4 Q jt green,