TH E bill in this genus is ftrait, conic, very ftiarp-pointed;
edges cultrated; inclining inwards; mandibles of equal
length. ■ l
Noftrils fmall, placed at the bafe of the bill, and partly -covered.
Tongue divided at the end.
Toes three forward, one backward ; the middle joined- near the
bafe to the outmoft one.
Thefe birds are inhabitants of America, except in a few m-
ftances; are a noify, gregarious, frugivorous, granivorous, and
voracious race, very numerous, and often have penfile nefts. To
thefe definitions from the Genera of Birds, I lhall not add any
thing more here, the manners of each being noted in their proper
Oriolus Perficus, litr. Syfl. i. p. i6l- N” 7.
Le Caifique jaune, Brif. orn. ii. p; 100. N° 14. pL 9- f- *«
____ ________ du Brefil, Buf. oif iii. p. 23.5— PI. «1/..184.
Lev* Muf,
DtscRU-Tum. -DIGGER than a Blackbird. Bill fixteen lines long, and of a
pale yellow: irides blue; general colour of the plumage
black: on the middle of the wing is a large fpot, of a golden
yellow: lower part of the back, rump, belly, and vent, yellow :
thighs in feme yellow, in others black: legs and claws black.
Jupujuba, feu Japu, Braf. Rati Syn. p. 46. N° 7.
Brafilian Jupujuba, or Japu of Marcgrave, Will, orn. p. 142.
/ -pH IS feems not to differ materially from the laid, except in
the tail, the whole of which is black on the upper part, except
the outer feather, which is yellow at the bafe; but beneath
half yellow, half black: the irides of a fapphire-colour : and the
tongue blue.
Black and yellow Daw of Brafil, Ed<w. p. 319.
^TpHIS feems a trifle bigger: has a purplilh luftre in the
-*■ black plumage : and has fome of the yellow feathers, which
compofe the fpot on the wings, tipped with black.
Thefe birds are met with in Braftl and Cayenne, and the warmer
parts of South America; and are the fabricators of thofe curious
nefts, met with in the cabinets of the curious. Thefe are in the
lhape of an alembic, about one foot and a half in length, com-
pofed of dry grafs and horfe-hair, or hogs briftles, mixed * : the
* Thefe nefts are in part compofed of what is called old-man's-beard, which
» is common in the fouth parts of America, and the Weft-India Iftands, and which,
at fir ft view, may eafily be miftaken for horfe-hair', and is the Tillandfia
u/neoides. Lin.
The above bird may poffibly prove to be the Petite Pie of Formin', but he
gives no defeription of it, further than that its colours are prettily diverfified,
and yellow from the middle of the back to the rump. He fays, that it eafily
learns to talk a number of words, and ordinarily makes the neft on the tops of
high trees, laying at each time fix or eight eggs, fpotted with black: lives on
3 H 2 infefts,
Var* A.
D escription.
V a r . B.
D escription
Place and
M a n n e r s .