breaft, belly,, fides,, thighs,, upper and lower tail coverts, and
under the wings, orange yellow, brighteft on the breaft and tail
coverts: lefler wing coverts deep brown j the greater the fame,
tipped with dir.ty yellowilh, white: quills, brown, bordered on
both edges with whitilh the two middle tail feathers are olive,
then blackilh, marked at the end with a longitudinal yellowilh,
fpot; the next on each fide olive and black, confufedjy mixed ;
and the four outer ones, of a, yellowilh. olive: legi, and; claws
A bird of this kind, ihewn to me as a female, had the chin,
black : the upper part of the body olive brown: on the wings
two bars of white, formed by the; tips of the coverts: quills-,
edged with whitilh : and the tail dulky : the under parts of the
body olive yellow : bill and legs blueilh. I have likewife one of
this laft defcribed, which came from North America; but in my,
bird the chin was only brown,, like the upper parts of the body,
and the colours all paler than in the other*..
There feems to me much confulion and uncertainty in the true,
and baftard Baltimores and their females■> moll likely at laft they
may, the whole of them, turn out mere varieties of one lingle-
fpecies, all- of them,, perhaps, referable to one or. other fex of the
true Baltimore,in the different ftages of life,.
• It very much re fern bled one figured in the Planches enluminées, which is laid,
to come from the Cape of Good Hope, PI, enl, 607, f, 2,
Le Cap-mort, Buf. oif, iii. p. 226.
Troupiale mâle du Senegal, PI. enl. 57 b
----- ,----- femelle, • ----------------- 376.
O IZE of the Golden Thrulh, but the wings lhorter in pro- D escription.
portion. The bill horn-colour : irides orange : the head
brown, appearing very glolfy in the fun, as if gilded : the colour
of the reft of the plumage for the moft part yellow, inclining
more or lefs to orange: quills arid tail blackilh, edged with
orange: legs redcfilh. Another had the head, chin, fides, and
fore part of the neck and breaft, yellow : back part of the neck
brown: wings and tail dulky, edged with yellow: belly and
thighs whitilh: legs as in the firft bird.
Thele came together from Senegal, and were at firft thought to Pla«z.
be mate and female but after keeping two years, that which was
thought to be the female, became of the fame plumage as the
Other, by gaining the brown head: but in both birds the head
loft its dark colour, and became yellow, every autumn, regaining
it in the fpr-ing.
In the cage where thefe- birds- were kept, it was obfetved, that Markers.
they entwined fome o f the ftalks of the pimpernel, with which
they were fed, in the wires : as this feenrred to- Ibew a difpofition
of making a neft, fome rufti-ftalks were put into the cage; on
which they prefently made a neft-large enough to hide one of
them at lea-ft; but it was as often deranged as made, the work of
one day being fpoiled the next; ferving to Ihew that the fabrication
of the neft in a ftate of nature was the work of both male
•and female, and in all probability is finifhed by the laft. They
bad a fharp but lively -note.
.2 K a A friend